Maja walked through the threshold as shutter ran down her spine. She couldn't help but look around the living room remembering the last time she was here. She touched her stomach let a sigh ease through her lips. "So, what do we have to 'discuss'?" Richard asked. "Angelo cheated on me." Maja lied trying to muster up as much sadness as she could. "Can't say I'm surprised but what does this have to do with me?" He asked. "It's obvious he couldn't handle hearing what you did—" "What we did to each other?" Richard corrected. "You—" Maja paused taking a breath remembering why she was here. "Anyways, I figure since you've completely ruined me the only—" "The only person who would want you is me." He finished. "Unless I'm wrong and then I can save myself any further embarrassment and go." She said.
"No, I do want you, but I don't think that's why you're really here," Richard said as he approached her slowly. "What?" Maja asked. Maja's uncle along with Angelo and Keenan listened intently as the two spoke. "Strip," Richard commanded. "Excuse me?" Maja said. "Strip I want to see if you're wearing a wire." He said. The two of them stared at each other for a while. "Fine." Maja shrugged. She slowly removed her shirt her lace bra before moving down to her pants.
Maja stood in nothing but her bra and panties. Although she agreed to do this standing here in front of her abuser she couldn't help but feel fear start to consume her. Richard walked towards her kneeling as he began to search her body. Richard's eyes trailed up her body as his fingers roamed every inch of her body. Richard rose meeting her eyes as his hands cupped her breast. Maja fought the overwhelming urge to push him away but if she did he'd know this was all a setup.
"If we do go through with this you will have to drop this silly lawsuit," Richard said caressing her cheek before her phone rang. Maja knew who it was because this call was planned. Maja sighed in annoyance as she looked at her phone. "Who is it?" Richard asked. "Angelo. He's been blowing my phone up since I found out he cheated." Maja lied. "What," Maja said. "You okay?" Angelo asked. "Yeah, yeah," Maja said. "Your uncle wants you to wrap it up. Try again tomorrow." Maja snapped. "When I get home, you can get your stuff until then wait," Maja said before she hung up.
Maja scoffed shaking her head. "What?" Richard asked from where he stood watching her. "He expects me to believe— nothing forget it." She said as she grabbed her pants slipping them on. "What? What happened?" Richard asked. For him, this was the longest the two them had spoken civilly when it was just the two of them. "He expects me to believe that the woman he cheated on me with drugged him. Like, come on how stupid do you think I am?" Maja said turning her back to Richard.
It was obvious that she loved him, but all Richard wanted was for her to look at him the way she did with Angelo. "Everybody's a liar," Maja said. "Everybody except for you," Maja said. "I mean you have lied but everything you said you would do to me you did." She explained. "I hope you know I only did those things to you, so you would understand I was only looking out for you," Richard said. "God I'm just so mad. I let Angelo and that girl into my life." "Who?" Richard asked. "Elaina. They went on a business trip and they both cheated. God am I not good enough." Maja said forcing herself to cry.
Maja had never opened up to him like this before and deep down in the pit of his stomach, he felt guilty. "I have to go Sami's waiting on me, but can I come by tomorrow?" Maja asked. "Of course." He said as they both stood. He pulled her into a tight hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." Maja nodded her head before heading out to her car.
I sped off from Richard's house shaking just trying to calm down. I drove around the corner to where Angelo, my uncle, and my former security waited for me. I quickly rushed out of the car into Angelo's arms. "You okay?" He asked examining me for any sign that Richard hurt me. "I just want to go home," I said. He nodded his head.
I was sitting in my empty bathtub thinking of how I could get Richard and Elaina to slip up quickly. I was in deep thought when there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" I called. "You've been in here for a while. You good?" Gelo asked. "Yeah just thinking," I said. "Come to bed." He said scooping me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he carried me into our bedroom.
He laid me on the bed before lying on top of me. "You know you're very heavy," I said. "And you're very soft." He mumbled into my neck. "And you smell good." He said as his lips brushed against my neck. I shivered at the feel. I hummed softly. Angelo lightly planted a kiss on my neck before he gently gripped my thighs. "A-Angelo—" I stammered grabbing his wrist.
He hovered over me not speaking for a moment. It was a look I had only seen once, and it gave me a familiar knot in the pit of my stomach. He stared at me as he slid his hand down my thigh before he reached the hem of my shorts. He slipped his hand under my shorts reaching my core.
"God, I missed touching you?" He mumbled. He said before he ducked his head down peppering light kisses along my jaw. He massaged my inner thighs before his lips latched on to mine.
The kiss left Maja dazed which gave Angelo the opportunity to slip her shirt off. "Angelo, are you sur—" "Please," Angelo said. Maja fell quiet for a moment before she slipped off her shirt and leaned up to kiss him. Angelo broke the kiss only to trail light kisses down her body until he reached the top of her shorts. He eased them down along with her panties. He gently massaged her core gaining a hiss from her in the process.
Angelo zoned out once his tongue reached her core. He took his time as he tongued her pussy down enjoying the familiar taste. By the time Maja reached her first orgasm he had forgotten she was there. He was taking his time savoring this moment and loving the taste. As Maja had hit her second orgasm she had to pry Angelo's lips away from her. He sat up looking at her with a lazy smile spread across her face as he licked his lips/.
She was still coming down from her orgasmic high when Angelo grabbed her leg pulling her, so she was flat on her back. Maja was shocked at how gentle and passionate with her because it had been so long since the two of them were this intimate. Angelo leaned down sucking on her neck trying to distract her from what was coming next "Oh... my... fuck—" Maja cried as Angelo pushed his way into her. Angelo mumbled loving words into her ear as he thrusted into her again and again. Maja slipped her hand into Angelo's hair while using the other to dig her nails into his back as he picked up his pace. "I love you so much." Angelo groaned into her ear as Maja tightened around him.
After cumming twice in bed and once in the shower the two them found themselves lying tangled together in bed. "Did I tell you I spoke to my therapist earlier?" Angelo said as he rubbed circles on her hips. "What? No." Maja said surprised. "It was when you were talking to your uncle." Maja nodded my head.
"Do you feel better?" She asked him. "Yeah, she helped me process what happened and how much I really appreciate having you here to help me." Maja looked at him curiously. "I mean I understood everything that happened to you, but you went through that alone and honestly I don't think I could be this calm without you here. Like I really do love you Maja. You've changed my life for the better." He said looking down at her from where she laid on his chest. "I love you too Angelo. Like you've opened my eyes and made me release a lot of the built-up anger I was holding onto. I know I've never said it before, but I really love you with my whole heart." Maja said leaving Angelo speechless. Angelo sighed wiping his hand over face letting out a shaky breath. He lifted Maja off of him and got up and headed to their closet.
"I wanted to wait until we took our trip but—" "Wait for what?" Maja asked as she rolled over to look at him only to see him kneeling on one knee. "Before I met you I really was just going through the motions. I didn't really care about too much. I barely cared about myself. I was putting myself in danger and didn't care until I met you. You've motivated me to heal myself, so I can do and be better for you, Sami, and Dee. You gave me my first child and showed me how beautiful love can be. I guess what I'm saying is love ya mean little smartass and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
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Loved By You
Romance"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...