MajaI was seated on the couch with Nicky as Shaunie held Teddy when Sami walked over to me. "I thought daddy was doing your hair?" I asked chuckling. Sami huffed. "She didn't even give me a chance," Dimitri said with a pout. "I want braids," Sami said. "I can braid."
"To the scalp?" Sami questioned. "I'm getting better," Dimitri said, and he was. Sami only recently started to ask for cornrow styles. "Mommy please," Sami whined. I smiled. "No need to pout. Do you think I'd let you walk outside looking crazy?" I asked poking her nose. "No." She mumbled. "D, take Nicky," I said holding my baby up.
They stared at each other before Nicky smiled. Dimitri gave in and took my baby. "Can I at least watch?" Dimitri asked. "Sure," I said as Sami ran to go get everything I would need. I yawned again. "That's the fifth yawn in the last hour," Shaunie said. "You and Lo had fun last night. We didn't even hear y'all come back." Terrance said. I chuckled.
"It was cool to have adult time with my husband. I never really partied for real with Angelo, so I was pleasantly surprised." I said. Sami came back with everything and with Dem and Angelo behind her. She sat on the floor between my legs. Before I could start Angelo tilted my head back kissing me.
He smiled before finding a seat and yawning. His sister and brothers laughed at that. "What?" He questioned. "Y'all are getting old," Marcus said. "Why you say that?" He asked his brother. "All that yawning after one night out," Ben said. "Man listen I partied more than enough in college," Angelo said. "Now while y'all are at this party please behave," I said.
"Yes ma'am." My babies said. I laughed loudly. "Actually I was talking to your dads'," I said making everyone laugh except for them. "Maja I don't know if you're aware of this, but I am a grown man," Dimitri said.
"Sometimes," I said. He mugged me but didn't say anything to argue against what I said. I looked at Angelo. He held his hands up. "As long as no one upsets my kids we'll all have a good time," Angelo said. Dem laughed.
"That's not funny. You know, because then I've have to come up there—," "Oh no." Dem said making the room laugh.
"Wow. Betrayed by my baby boy." I said as I finished up Sami's hair. "I love you," Dem said hugging me. I kissed the top of his head. "I know. Love you more." I said. "Thank you, mama," Sami said falling on me. I was now squished in a hug between them.
My babies were all so affectionate and I loved every minute of it. "That is so cute," Shaunie said. I chuckled. "Okay go finish getting dressed," I told Sami. "I'm done," Dem said standing. "Look at my handsome boy," I said pushing his hair back.
He had started to grow his hair out because in his words he wanted to look like his dad.
"His hair will be as long as Lo's in a minute," Marcus said. "That's my boy." Angelo smiled. "Or as long as his mother's let's not forget she got all that hair too now," Shaunie said.
Dem smiled. Because his hair was a little looser in the front his curls were starting to hang in his face. "He's handsome with any style," I said. He beamed smiling huge.
"I want my hair as long as Dad's," Dem said. Angelo called him over and they looked at something on his phone.
I was sitting in my bedroom knees to my chest as I watched Angelo get ready. "Why are you staring at me?" He asked with a chuckle. "Because you're my husband," I said with a lazy smile.
He cheesed a huge smile looking down at me. "Say it again?" He asked. "You're my husband," "Damn right." He smiled. I laughed.
"You know last night was really fun." He said. I nodded my head agreeing. "You looked so beautiful last night. I couldn't keep my eyes off you." He confessed and my face warmed.

Loved By You
Romance"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...