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Angelo had left a little over an hour ago and I was still sitting on my bed watching tv. My door opened and I looked to see Haseem and Rod. I watched as they walked in and they each took a seat in front of me. "We're sorry," Haseem said. I looked from him to Rod. They sighed as I sat quietly staring at them. "Say something," Rod said. "I don't even know what to say." I expressed truthfully.

Rod scratched his head looking away from me. "I guess you're wondering how we ended up together?" Rod asked. I nodded my head. "Well, we've been doing stuff since freshman year," Haseem said. "Four years?" I asked. Haseem looked at me nervously. I took a breath. "Continue," I said. "It started when I went back home. I ran into Rod at this party after a few drinks we ended up back at his place." He fell quiet as his eyes went from me down to the bed. "We fucked." Rod blurted out.

"Haseem was the first guy I had ever been with let alone attracted too. I didn't know how to feel or react." He said.

"The morning after I was still processing what happened when Tae walked into my room and saw us together. After talking to him with to my surprise he was cool with it." Rod said still looking surprised. "I talked about how I was feeling with Haseem and a little with Tae. I've come to terms that I'm bisexual." He said with a shrug. I looked at him. "I get why you told Tae first but Haseem you and I are best friends. We've known each other since kindergarten." I said looking at him. "Rod wasn't ready for anyone else to know, then I started to worry about what you would think about me being with your cousin. We figured you'd be mad at us." He sighed.

"I'm not mad that you're gay or bisexual more so the fact that you two were having sex in my bed," I said hitting them both on the forehead. They both chuckled. "We're sorry about that. It was a spur of the moment thing, but you're right we fucked up. It will never happen again." Rod said. "I know I got the money you sent to my account," I said. "So are we good? Because I can't leave with my baby cousin mad at me." Rod said poking me. "Yeah. Yeah, we're good." I said pushing him. They both hugged me.

We got up and headed out into the living room seeing my mama, sisters, and Tae "I'm so sorry babies." Our mother said looking at each of us. "It wasn't your fault you want him to man and be a father and he keeps falling short," Tae said. We all sat down and just caught up on everything.


It had been two weeks since Nadia's disastrous birthday dinner and since I had spoken to Angelo in person. I couldn't lie I found myself missing Angelo, but every time that thought popped into my head I shook it away. I was typing away on my phone heading to my ethics class when I walked into something hard. "Shit," I said rubbing my forehead. I looked up to see Angelo staring down at me. "Sorry," I said going to walk around him. He followed my action standing in front of me.

"What?" I asked looking up at him. "There's this kickback tonight. I want you to come." He said caressing my cheek. I shivered at his touch. I knew he noticed when I saw his lips curve into a smile. "I don't think..." "Stop talking." I looked at him like he lost his mind. "I'll see you tonight." He said before walking off leaving me to stand there in shock. I headed up the stairs and made my way to ethics.


The class had ended and I was gathering my things when Professor Day called me. "Angelo, can I talk to you for a moment?" She asked. I nodded my head as the last few kids left. I walked over to her desk and waited for her. "So how are things going? I've heard that you and Maja haven't really seen each other in the past week." I rolled my eyes. "Professor Day we are college students with very busy schedules. We don't have to see each or be seen with each other every second of the day. We text regularly and call and even facetime occasionally." I lied. "Besides as long as Maja and I are following the rules what we do shouldn't concern anyone else. Now is that all." I asked gaining a smile and a nod from her.

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