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"So I have to testify again?" I asked my uncle. "Yes, because the previous trial was for Christoph." He explained. I sighed. "I just want to be done with that family," I mumbled. "I know and once we're done with Richard you will be." He said. "Fine just tell me when you need me," I said standing.

I left my uncle's office and headed outside trying to regroup when I looked up and froze. Richard walked out of the courthouse fixing his suit collar before he looked my way. He walked passed me giving me a look I remembered horrifically. I shook off the look before I rushed over to my car. I sped down the street and rushed out home. It was moments like this I was really missing Angelo.

After sitting in traffic for about 20 minutes in had finally made it home. I walked into the door and made a stop at the kitchen before I went to my room. I stayed there until I had to go pick up Sami and Dem from school.


"Alright let me see your homework," I called. They each brought me their homework and I looked over it. "Dem you forgot to write your name on the paper," I told him. "Oh, sorry." He said quickly writing his name. "Mama?" He called while I looked over their work. "Yes?" I said looking up at him. "Can I have an apple juice?" I chuckled before nodding my head. "Sami you skipped a question," I told her. "It was too hard." She whined. "Hold up ten fingers," I told her. "Now put down four." She did. "Now how many fingers are you holding up?" I asked her. "Six!" She yelled. "When in doubt use your fingers," I told her.

After getting their work done everyone came home and we all sat down to have dinner. "How was everyone's day?" Reggie asked. I sat back as I listened to everyone talks about their day. "Maja what about you?" Nadia asked. "Oh, it was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary." I said.

Once dinner was over and I got Dem and Sami to sleep I found myself sitting in my bathtub just trying to clear my head. I stayed in the water until my fingers began to wrinkle. I looked at myself in the mirror wishing I could just catch a break. I sighed before I got dressed and headed to bed.


"What the fuck?" I groaned as I sat up looking at my phone. I looked to my sides to see both Dem and Sami sound asleep. I snatched my phone off the charger before answering it. "What?" I whispered in anger. "Maja I'm about to send you an address I need you to come immediately." I hear a familiar voice say. "What? Who is this?" I asked sleepily. "It's Zachary." He said. "Angelo is at the club fighting." I heard him say catching my attention. "I'm coming," I said before hanging up.

I quietly got out of bed and walked into Arnell's room. "Nell?" I said waking her. "Hmm?" Reggie said sitting up. "What's wrong? Maja you okay?" Nell asked. "Can you watch Dem and Sami? I have to go do something." She looked at me. "Yeah of course." She said.

I quickly got dressed and headed to the door. "Where are you going?" I turned to see Omar sitting on sitting on the couch. "Zachary called and said Angelo's was fighting," I said. "What?" He said getting up. "Yeah I going to go get him," I said with a sigh. "I'm coming with you." He said. "He's probably on 10 and if he hurts you I'm hurting him." He said. I smiled. "Thanks, O," I said.


Omar and I pulled up to the club and walked inside and looked for Angelo. "Maja!" I heard someone yell. We looked to see Zachary waving. We walked over and joined. "He's about to start his next match." He said leading us to the ring. I stood watching as he paced back and forth covered in sweat. "Angelo!" I called trying to get his attention to no avail. I called two more times with no success. "ANGELO!!!" I screamed. Angelo turned and looked at before freezing as he stared down at me. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "I could ask you the same thing." I countered before I turned to leave. "Maja wait?" He called. I had just made it outside when I felt an arm grip my wrist. "Maja please wait," Angelo said. "You said you were done with this shit. How have you been fighting again huh?" I asked him. He just stood there not speaking. "Look Angelo maybe I've been asking for too much from this relationship. I come with a lot of baggage and obviously, it's gotten you. So why don't we just end this now because I don't want to see you hurt okay." I said. "Maja it's not you. I love you and everything that comes with you." He said. "Then what is it? Why are you doing this again?" I asked. He dropped his head. "Can we just go home, and I'll tell you everything." He said. I stared at him. "Fine," I said.


Maja was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed waiting on me to explain. "Yesterday after I got off the phone with you I was talking with Damon. He told your mother he loved her for the first time and he was a little panicked about it." I explained looking at Maja. "So as we were leaving the office we discussed when you should say you love someone and when I told you I loved you." I watched as she averted her eyes.

"Elaina inserted herself in the conversation and she gave him a woman's opinion on the matter. Maybe around 8 or 9 p.m., I decided to grab some food when I heard them laughing loudly from the living room. They had been drinking and talking for maybe an hour or so." She looked up at me worried. "They asked me to join them and I was hesitant at first because you thought something was off with Elaina. I figured after how she acted this past week she was okay." Maja sat up dropping her arms.

"I drank a couple of glasses and talked with them until I saw Damon passed out on the other end of the couch. Elaina brought me another glass which I finished before deciding it was time for bed. When I stood feeling the room start to spin. Elaina had to help stand and the last thing I remembered was walking up the stairs. When I woke up Elaina was on top of me." I was about to continue when Maja held her hand up stopping me. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail before taking a breath. "Continue." She said barely audible.

"I woke up and she was on top of me coming down from her first orgasm. The anger I felt literally consumed my body, but I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. It took most of my strength to form the sentence I did. I told her I would kill her which made her snap and started rambling about not being you. Also, that she could give me everything you can't. She pulled the condom she put on me off and..." "Please....don't say it," Maja mumbled. "After she finished I was stuck in bed for another or so before I could function again. I left and went to the hospital after all the test I just decided to come home." I explained. Maja stood taking a deep breath.

"Maja," I called. "You felt paralyzed?" Maja asked. "Yeah," I told her. "Come on," Maja said. "Where are we going?" I asked grabbing her arm. "To see Richard." She said leaving me stunned.

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