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After I testified we were released to leave I walked out into the lobby to see everyone standing around. I walked over to Dimitri and we looked at each other for a while. "I'm so sorry," I whispered barely able to speak. "I don't care what the paper said. Sami is my daughter and she always will be." He said meaning every word. He pulled me into a hug. "That is our daughter no matter what." He said looking at me. I nodded my head. I turned and walked into Angelo's arms. He wrapped his arms around me tightly before he kissed my cheek. "Let's get out of here." He said.


We had been driving for what seemed like forever when it had only really been maybe fifteen minutes. Angelo had been holding my hand the entire ride when he squeezed my hand. I looked over at him. "Look." He said. I looked out the window to see Omar, Reggie, and Rocky sitting outside with Sami. They pointed at the car causing Sami to turn and look at me. She looked confused as she looked back to them. I stepped out of the car and she turned and looked at me. Her eyes widened before a huge smile broke out across her face and she ran full force at me. "Mama!!!!" She yelled wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"I missed you so much," I said scooping her up kissing her cheek repeatedly. "Can I go home with you?" She asked. I wasn't sure if I could go home just yet. "It's just a couple more days then I promise it's you and me," I said. "And Gelo?" She asked. Looking behind me. I turned to see Angelo leaning against the car. "I was thinking maybe the three of us could grab some dinner," Angelo said. "Yes please!" Sami sang excitedly.


I was driving to this little Mexican restaurant. I smiled as I listen to Sami talk non-stop. It was obvious she missed Maja and Maja missed her. Replaying today's events and I kept going back to the fact that Christoph was Sami's father. I couldn't even imagine how Maja or Dimitri felt.

I pulled up to the restaurant and let both Sami and Maja out. "You sure you don't want your crutches?" I asked Maja. "No, I'm fine." She said grabbing my hand and Sami's before heading inside.


"Thank you for today," Maja said once we got to my apartment. "I really needed it." She said. I kissed her forehead. "You need anything else let me know," I said. She nodded her head before she went into the bathroom to take a shower. 20 minutes later she came out in a pair of shorts and a tank top. "They should be doing the closing arguments tomorrow." She said with her back to me. My eyes raked over her body before she turned and looked at me. It had been a while since we had been together and times like this I missed her. "Angelo!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at her as she walked over to me. "I know it's been a minute since we've had sex." She paused. "Maja it's fine it been a lot going on..." "I know and I love that you've been so patient and understanding." She said standing in front of me. I touched her thigh before trailing my hand up to her ass. I pulled her onto my lap. "I'm not rushing you," I said caressing her ass as we looked at each other.

I felt her shiver as I ran my other hand up her back. "I..." She trailed closing her eye. I looked at her curiously as she slowed her breathing. "Baby..." "Shh." She said covering my mouth. She stood and headed to the bathroom. I followed her to see her leaning on the counter. "What's wrong?" I asked as I went and stood behind her. I wrapped my arms around her. She turned and looked at me with this look I hadn't seen from her in a while. "I want you." She said. I wanted her in every way right now. "But I don't know if I'm ready." She said nervousness clear in her voice. "I told I'm willing to w..." "Angelo you're a guy..." She started. "And I said I can wait," I said kissing her cheek pulling her close to me. "But if you want to feed me," I said staring down at her as I licked my lips. Her eyes widened before they glazed over.

"Be gentle." She said softly. I smiled. "I promise," I said grabbing her hand as I led her back to my room.


I missed having Angelo between my legs. I glanced down at him as I bit my lip. "Oh my god," I whispered. "Please?" I begged gripping his hair. I pressed my head into my pillow as Angelo tongued my pussy down. I felt the pit of my stomach tighten before I felt my release. I let out a moan as Angelo licked me clean. He came up from between my legs and kissed me. I wanted him. I pulled him in deepening the kiss as I wrapped my arms around him. "Hmm," Angelo said as he broke the kiss. "You're not ready." He said looking at me. "But I..." "When you're ready I promise I'll show you how much I missed both of you." He said looking down at me. "But until then I'm still hungry." He said sinking back down between my legs. "Ooo." I gasped.


Angelo and I got up the next morning to get ready for this long ass day. I was standing in the mirror fixing my hair when Angelo came and stood in the door and watched me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, you ready?" He asked. "I guess," I said with a shrug. "On the bright side, today should be the last day." He said. I nodded my head as we walked out to the car.

We pulled up to the courthouse and we headed inside. I was sitting behind my uncle waiting for the closing statements. "Mr. Taylor I was informed that you another witness to call." The judge said. "Your honor we haven't had a chance to check the witness out." Uncle Andre said. "Mr. Taylor." The judge said. "That is because our witness has been under witness protection due an attempt on his life." Mr. Taylor said handing the judge and Andre some paperwork. "This has to be a joke," Andre said. "My chambers now." The judge said.

"What the fuck is happening?" Tae asked what we were all wondering. 15 minutes later the door they came back and Andre looked pissed while Mr. Taylor's face held a smirk. "Mr. Taylor please call your witness." The judge said. Mr. Taylor turned and signal one of the officers. I turned and watched as the door swung open and my eyes widened in shock. He walked down the aisle like he stepped off the pages of a magazine cover. He glanced at me and gave me this look I was all too familiar with. I sank in my seat as fear began to consume my body. "No." I whispered as I leaned forward shock clearly on my face.

He went and took a seat before he was sworn in. "Will you state your full name for the record?" Mr. Taylor asked. "Richard Owen Joseph former Governor of Texas."

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