Maja"Mhm, I see you girl," Arnell said after the ques finished their little step. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't lie they did look good. "Okay but what about you and Reggie?" I raising an eyebrow. Arnell waved me off but didn't say anything. "Excuse me." We all turned to see this white girl standing there. "Yes?" I said because she was clearly talking to me.
"Are you fucking Angelo?" She said curling her lips in disgust. I took a step back confused. "I'm sorry are you my mama?" I asked the girl. "God no." She said. "See that's what I thought so who the hell are you to be questioning me like you're my mama," I asked.
"Matter of fact how the hell would that concern you how?" She chuckled. "Because that's my man and If you're fucking him then we have a problem." I blinked a couple times before looking at my sister seeing them with the same look on my face. We all turned and looked at her before cracking up.
"Gir...Girl... Girl if you get the fuck on. Ain't nobody worried about you and you can take little threat somewhere else." I said in between my fits of laughter. "You need to bitch. I can become your worst nightmare." She bucking at me. My laughter died down almost instantly when she called me out of my name. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She turned as if she was about to leave but stopped to say one more thing. "Stay the fuck away from my man, hoe. Besides he doesn't even go for niggers."
"Ooo, Maja gone beat her ass." I heard Nadia say. The last thing I remember was a fist full blonde hair in my hand.
After my Lbs and I finished our step we went outside to handle some rowdy guest. As we were heading back inside when we heard screaming and yelling. We rushed into the living room to see Arnell on one end fighting one girl Nadia fighting another and in the center was Maja. After we shut down the party and got everyone out the guys and I went off to separate the girls. Once Nadia and Arnell were calmed down somewhat I focused my attention on Maja. As I got closer I was able to see Maja was fighting Tori.
I yanked Maja off her to see blood and clumps of hair in her fist. "What the fuck is wrong with you two!?" I yelled with Maja fighting to get out of my arms. "Keep her crazy ass away from me," Tori yelled. Maja pushed me away giving me one deadly look before she stormed off. I went to help Tori as she coughed up some blood.
It was Sunday and a few days since all that shit with Maja and Tori went down. "What are you doing here?" Maja asked as she opened her door. "We need to talk." She scoffed and went to close the door, but I stopped her. "Maja I'm not in the mood for your fucking attitude so you can either open the door and let me in or I will break it down," I said in a tight yet calm voice. She opened the door and looked up at me.
She rolled her eyes and stepped aside. I followed her taking in the view as I did so. "Shit," I mumbled. We walked into her room and I looked around seeing pictures everywhere, some were of family, friends, and even some athletes. "You like basketball?" I questioned. She looked at her posters than me. "Yes." I nodded my head. "So you're here because?" She asked as I took a seat. "I didn't know you had hands like that," I said with a small smile. She looked at me and she didn't even roll her eyes at me. "Why are you here?" "Tori said you attacked."
She scoffed shaking her head. "Do you believe her?" She asked crossing her arms. I chuckled because even though she was mad she still looked cute. "If I did I wouldn't be here. I just want to know what happened." She tossed her hair up into ponytail taking a sigh. "She called me a nigger, so she had an ass whoopin coming her way." She said shrugging. I jumped up from my chair. "She what!?" I yelled. Her eyebrow rose. "She said and I quote, "Stay the fuck away from my man. Besides he doesn't even go for niggers."
I shook my head. "Maja I'm so sorry she said something like that to you. That was past being out of line and I'm not going to let that shit slide." She tilted her head to the side looking at me confused. "You're really mad, huh?" She said shocked. "Hell yeah, I'm mad. She should have never said that dumb shit." I huffed. She giggled and it sounded heavenly. What the fuck? I thought to myself. "I mean you seem to be really taking it personally considering you're wh...i...te." She said dragging out the word
"Yes I am white, but my brother and sister are black and my mom as well. Saying some ignorant shit like that doesn't fucking sit well with me." I turned to the door and walked out.
I woke for my Monday classes feeling like shit. I got up doing my daily routine and I walked passed the living room. "Hey, Maj!" "Hey, Tae. Hey Rod." My head shot up and I turned back around to see my big-headed brother and cousin. "What are you two doing here?" I said as the two of them laughed pulling me into a tight group hug. "We can't come visit our favorite munchkins." My brother Tae said. I pushed them away rolling my eyes while him and Rod laughed. "I have class. Nadia!!!" They laughed. "We'll walk with you."
I walked into Nadia's door knocking on it. "5 minutes!" She yelled. I sighed turning to look at Rod and Tae. "So Arnell told us you got into a fight and you put her in the hospital," Rod said. I shrugged. "That bitch deserved it." Tae chuckled. "That's the little savage I know," Rod said cheesing. I chuckled. "Don't talk shit and not think you're going to get pop in ya mouth," I said plainly. Nadia finally walked out and we headed to our class.
We were walking through the courtyard when Tori and her girls limped and hobbled over to us. "I-I-I just wanted t-t-to say I'm sorry for what I said. It was very disrespectful and I should never have said it." Tori said. My eyes went from Tori to Angelo who was leaning against one of the buildings. "Sorry again." My eyes went back to Tori before the girls all turned and rushed off. I looked back at Angelo to see him walking into the building our class was in. He gave me one last look nodding his head before disappearing into the building. "Yo was that the girl you beat down?" Rod said. "Who was that nigga?" Tae asked. I looked at Nadia and she had a sly smile on her face before she shook her head and followed Angelo into the building.
"I'll see you after class." They looked at me and nodded. I walked into the building and up the stairs into my classroom. I walked through the door and everyone's eyes fell on me while my eyes locked with Angelo's. I walked to my seat and glanced at Angelo before sitting down.
Maja: Thank you
Professor Day walked in as I went to put my phone away, but it buzzed.
Angelo: I didn't do anything.
I read his text and snorted. "Wow," I mumbled.
Maja: 🙄
Maja: Well thank you anyways
I went to put my phone down when it buzzed again.
Angelo: Do you have anything planned tonight?
I read the text my eyebrow rose.
Maja: No why?
Angelo: I'll be by your place around 8:30.
Angelo: Dress comfortably
I looked at my phone shocked but intrigued. I looked up to see Professor Day staring at me smiling before she looked away and went back to smiling. "Why the hell does everyone keep smiling at me?" I mumbled to myself. Nadia and Haseem chuckled but said nothing. I sighed and sat back in my seat looking forward to tonight.
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Loved By You
عاطفية"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...