MajaI was sitting at the table with Nadia on my right and Sami on my left. I was sitting quietly as my mother, Eliza, Kennan, and Richard talked to each other. I really admired my mother because she was never a spiteful woman towards Eliza. Eliza really put in an effort to make to be friends with my mom for our sake and the kind woman that my mother is she had become somewhat friendly with her. I could appreciate her effort but the way kids acted left me not wanting to deal with any of them. When I first found out about the friendship I was a little confused but my mama was grown she could be friends with whoever she wanted. I looked at my so-called step-siblings and I rolled my eyes. Annoyance was the main emotion I felt when I looked at them. If I focused on them for too long I always wound up with a headache. My father's chuckle drew my attention to him and the only word I could use describe him was, pathetic. He chose his step kids and career over his over his own family and I'd never forgiven him for that. I guess he felt me looking at him cause his attention turned to me.
I rolled my eyes before I looked away. I looked at Richard, Eliza's ex-husband and the Governor of Texas. He bordered on corrupt and I had disliked him from the moment I met him. My dislike for him quickly turned into hate when I found out he spoke to the judge that was ruling over my custody case with Dimitri. He used his influence to get Dimitri supervised visitation and I knew if Dimitri did go through with taking me to court his dad would be a bastard and push for him to get full custody. Richard glanced at me and smile flashed across his face before quickly disappearing. "Maja?" I turned and looked at my mom. "Yes?" I asked as all eyes were on me.
"You haven't touched your food. Are you feeling okay?" I looked down at my plate seeing all the food still sitting there. "I'm not hungry," I stated plainly. She sighed. "Maybe you should eat just a little, just to put your mama at ease." I glanced at Keenan. "I'm not hungry." I strained trying to remain calm as I spoke. "Maja why don't you just say what's on your chest," Richard said. I looked at Samiya as she looked from Richard back to me. "Sami how about we go pack some clothes so you can spend the night?" Arnell asked. Sami looked up at me and I smiled. "It's okay love. Go ahead." She smiled nodding her head before grabbing Arnell's hand.
I watched as they walked to around the corner and I waited until I heard the door close. I turned and looked at Richard slowly. "What exactly is there to get off my chest?" I asked in a sickly-sweet voice. "Clearly you have issues with all of us that you need to be discussed." I scoffed. "Honestly I couldn't give one fuck about any of you." He leaned forward. "See that's your problem. You're turning your back on your family."
"Ah! Now that's where you're mistaken. My family is right here." I said gesturing to my side of the table. "I don't give a fuck any of yall with maybe the exception of Eliza. If we're really being a hundred, you shouldn't even be here." I shrugged. He sat there staring at me not knowing what the fuck to say. "You may be paying these bitches off which is why they won't tell you about yourself, but I don't give a single fuck." He sat back in his seat staring at me as he nodded his head. "I see." He said. I stood turning to look at Dimitri. "And you my nigga..." I paused leaning closer to him. "Try me about mine daughter if you want your daddy won't be able to pull any string to save you." His darkened before they went to something behind me. I turned seeing Samiya stand next Arnell. "I'm ready!" She cheered. I smiled before turning to Dimitri who was now standing. "I'd be careful threatening me you know how I get," Dimitri whispered. I rolled my eyes. "Come say goodbye to everyone, baby." I sang.
We left my mother's place and went to our apartment that we shared 30 minutes away. I was lying in bed with Samiya right next to me who was fighting her sleep as Moana played. I chuckled as I ran my fingers through her hair hearing her yawn. In a matter of minutes, I heard her soft snores. I looked at my little girl as I caressed her cheek. "I'm doing this for you," I whispered when my phone buzzed. "Hello," I said into the phone.
I had been home less than a day and my mother and sister were acting weird as shit. "Alright what's up?" I questioned. "What?" They both questioned as their voices rose. "See now I know you're hiding something." They sighed before looking at each other. "Go talk to your father." My mom said as she continued to cook. "It's that bad?" She didn't say anything else. I shook my head and went downstairs.
"Pops!" I called as I walked into his office. "Yeah?" He asked. "Mama and Shaunie are being weird." I started. "Well, they did just find out that your girl has a kid." He said spinning around. "What?" I asked looking at him. "I was looking into her and I came across a birth certificate for her daughter, Samiya. She's 5." He said sliding me a folder. I opened it reading through it until I came across a picture of this little girl with her arms wrapped around Maja's neck. They both had huge smiles on their faces. I looked at the birth certificate seeing the mother as Maja and the father some guy named, Dimitri Joseph. "Who is Dimitri?" I asked looking at my father.
"That's what I wanted to know also so I looked him up too. He is her stepbrother." What the fuck? I thought. "What the fuck? Did he... did he rape her?" I asked getting pissed. "I'm not sure. If he did there's no report of it. It might have to do with the fact that his dad is the Governor and her father works for him." "Shit," I said. "That's probably why she doesn't get along with any of them," I said piecing everything together. "If rape happens to be the case don't bring it up. Let her tell you when she's ready." I looked at my father about to disagree when he stopped me. "Trust me." I sighed nodding my head.
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Loved By You
Romance"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...