MajaI was sitting in the doctor's office with Nell sitting not too far away. "So, Maja I've spoken to your physical therapist and she said you've been doing very good." My doctor, Dr. Carson said with another doctor joining her. I smiled. "This is Dr. Messi, she's one of our Obgyn's." I nodded my head. I saw Arnell glance at me but stayed silent. "So, let's begin." Dr. Carson said.
After a full physical, I sat back down and waited for my results. "Well, everything looks excellent. You've healed perfectly. Now that doesn't mean you're completely healed. However, I will allow you to go back to work but I still want you to take it easy for the next several weeks until you come back for the next exam." I nodded my head. "Now Dr. Messi has something to talk to you about." I looked at the doctor confused.
"Maja when was your last period?" she asked causing me to look at her confused. "Umm maybe a month ago. I'm not really sure." I said worriedly. "Well, it appears that you're about 3 weeks pregnant." Dr. Messi said. My eyes widened as I stared at her. "What?" Arnell and I both said. "You're pregnant." She smiled. "Now because of your car accident, you do have a little scarring but not enough to be worried." Arnell and I both just sat staring at her speechless before I broke down crying. Dr. Messi looked at me worried before turning Arnell stood. "Thank you, Dr. Messi." She said before both the doctors looked at me sympathetically before leaving.
After leaving the doctor's office I was sitting in the car as we drove home. "Maja?" Arnell called softly. "I'm pregnant," I said loud enough for her to hear me. She grabbed my hand as I started crying again. "Do you want me to call Angelo when we get to the house?" She asked. I couldn't speak so I just sat quietly.
I was sitting in a staff meeting listening to the different projects we had coming up. "Alright everyone you have your assignments. Let's have a good day." Damon said. I stayed seated waiting for the last person to leave. "You good?" Damon asked. I smiled. "Actually, I really am," I said. I hadn't really spoken to Damon about personal stuff since we got back from London. "Are we okay?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said as I stood. "You sure we haven't spoken since the London trip when you left abruptly." He said with a raised eyebrow. I sighed. "We're good. I've just been trying to focus on Maja and growing as a couple." I said truthfully. He nodded his head. "Understandable." He said. "Has Maja told you about the dinner her mother is finally planning?" he asked as we walked out of the conference room. I chuckled. With everything that was happening with Maja and I Ms. Jacki thought it was best to hold off on the dinner until we were all in a better headspace.
"Yeah, she told me Ms. Jacki was setting something up, but she didn't tell me when it was," I said. "Saturday. I'm finally meeting her kids officially." He said nervous yet excited. "So you're not nervous about meeting them anymore?" I asked. "Yes and no. I mean it's a little easier because their all adults, but I still want them to like me." He said. I nodded my head because I understood, it was the same with Samiya and Demery. "I understand those are her kids. They mean a lot to her and their opinion will mean so much, but I don't think it would destroy your relationship if they weren't all on board." I added as we walked into my office just as my phone started ringing.
I looked to see it was Maja calling. "What's up, baby?" I said as there was a knock on my door. I looked to see it was a man dressed in a suit and a woman dressed in a pantsuit. "Yes, how can I help you?" I asked. "Are you Angelo Rossi?" the man dressed in a navy-blue suit while the woman was dressed in a burgundy one. "Yes— Baby let me call you back," I said. "Okay." She said softly. "Who are you two?" I asked turning to face the men.
"I'm detective Jones and this is Detective Andrews." I nodded my head. "How can I help you two?" I said. "We received your rape case from London." Detective Andrews said. "Oh," I said glancing over at Damon. "Angelo, what are they talking about?" I sighed. "I'm sorry who are you?" The woman, Detective Jones said. "I'm his cousin, Damon Rossi," Damon said. "I hadn't told Damon about what happened," I said as I leaned on my desk. "What happened?" Damon asked. "Back during our London trip, the reason I left so quickly was because Elaina drugged me. When I eventually came too, she on top of me. That's why I felt so abruptly." He looked at me shocked.
"But you all here about my case?" I asked. "Yes, we are." Detective Andrews said. "Well, apparently Elaina has a history of drugging and raping men. She's done this to three other men." Detective Jones said. "She does it so she can extort money from these men." I looked at the detectives shocked. "We have been trying to get in contact with her, but she hasn't returned any of our calls." Detective Andrews asked. "She hasn't been to work in—what's going on for about two weeks now. She asked for some time off and sent an assistant to cover." I said pointing to the young lady outside.
"Well, we are also here to let you know that she will be charged with four counts of rape, multiple counts of extortion, and battery." Detective Andrews said. "The moment she pops back up she will be arrested." He added. I nodded my head. Detective Jones handed me her card before they both left. "Damn." Damon and I both said.
"What?" Arnell said. "I don't want to tell Gelo or anyone until I'm farther along." I paused. "I don't want to get Gelo's hopes up for us to possibly lose the baby. Neither of us can go through that again." I explained. She nodded her head. "Okay, we'll do whatever you want to do." She said smiling.
I was sitting on the couch with Dee as we watched some show. "So the fish became the cat's brother?" I asked. "Uh huh." He said laughing. "And what is this called again?" I asked. "The Amazing World of Gumball." He said staring at the tv. "I see," I said looking at him as he looked at the tv. "Mj I'm home!" Gelo yelled. "Living room," I called back. Gelo came around the corner and leaned over grabbing my head giving me a kiss. "Hi, baby." He said smiling. He leaned over and kissed the top of Dee's head. "What's up little man?" he said. "Hi, Gelo," Dee said.
"Baby, can I talk to you for a second?" Gelo asked. "Dee when I come back, I'm going to need you to explain this whole show," I said hearing laughter from him. I followed Gelo to the balcony. "What's up?" I asked. "I had two detectives come to my office today." I looked up at him wide-eyed. "What? Why?" I asked. "Elaina." He said. I rolled my eyes realizing why he brought us outside. "She's going to be arrested." I tilted my head as I looked at him. "She is a repeat offender. She's assaulted three other men in the past and now the police are looking for her." "Oh wow. I knew something was off about that girl." I said shaking my head. "So that means we won't have to deal with her anymore," I said. He nodded his head. I kissed his cheek before turning to head inside.
"Aye wait a minute." He said grabbing my hand pulling me back to him. "How was your doctor's appointment?" he asked. "Umm, it was good. The doctor said I'm healing very good and that I can go back to work." I said smiling. "Finally." He said hugging me. I laughed. "I missed having you at work." He said kissing my cheek. "You see me every day," I said. "So I never get tired of seeing you." He said bluntly. "Mama!! You're missing the show!" Dee yelled. We both laughed before walking back inside.
After putting Dee to bed Gelo and I laid in bed watching tv. Gelo was resting against me as he rubbed my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he flipped through the channels before resting on the news. "The discovered here tonight has been positively identified as that of 24- year-old Elaina Roberts."

Loved By You
Romance"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...