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"You look scared." Maja laughed as she looked at me. "No, I don't," I said mugging her. "You do but it's okay. This is your first." She said with a smile. "Were you nervous with Sami?" I asked. She looked at me for a while before she started laughing. "I damn near passed out when I found out I was pregnant. I was like, my mama is going to kill me." She said making face as I laughed. "But I love my baby girl." She smiled and I couldn't help but stare. "Alright, Mj how are you?" The doctor asked and I looked at her funny. "I'm good auntie," Maja said hugging her. "Angelo this is my aunt Marie. On my mom's side." She added quickly. "Oh," I said nodding my head. "I'm Angelo, it's nice to meet you." "And you as well," Marie said shaking my hand. "Let's take a look at your baby," Marie said smiling.

"So, your about eight weeks, now." Maja nodded her head. "So, this right here is your baby," Marie said pointing at this mass. "And that's the heartbeat." She said. I stared at the screen as the sound of my baby's heartbeat echoed in my ears. "You okay Angelo?" Maja asked causing me to look at her. "That's our baby," I said smiling. She giggled before looking back at the screen.


"That was... I don't even know what to say." I said as we left the doctor's office. "I can't wait to see what we're having," I said grabbing her hand. "I feel like it's a boy." She said casually with a shrug. "What makes you say that?" I asked curiously. "I don't know. When I was pregnant with Sami the only thing that was different was weight and my cravings. With this one, my feet are swollen, I've barely picked up weight, and I'm throwing up all the time. It just feels like all of that means it's going to be a boy." She said with a shrug. "As long as the baby is healthy I'm fine with whatever we have. Did you want to come back to my place? The guys said they're coming over to chill." I said glancing her way only to see her sleep. I smiled before driving to my place.

I pulled into my garage before I got out and picked Maja up and carrying her inside. I walked into my room and gently laid her down on my bed. I grabbed a muscle shirt and some sweats before I gently picked her up and changed her into the clothes. I climbed into bed and pulled her close to me as she laid her head on my chest. Just as I had gotten comfortable I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grabbed it seeing it was my mother calling. I looked at Maja before I eased out of bed. She groaned lifting her head to look at me. "Shh, I'll be back," I said kissing her head. She grunted before rolling over.

I walked down the hall into a guest room before I spoke. "Hey, mama," I said. "Don't hey mama me. Where have you been?" She asked. "A lot of stuff has happened and I've just been so preoccupied," I said truthfully. "Like what?" She asked. "I..." I paused. "Angelo, you know you can tell me anything." My mama said. "I've been working things out with Maja." I began. "That's wonderful, especially after what you did." She griped. When my mom found out how I left things with Maja she yelled at me for what seemed like hours. "I still want to meet her." She said. "I know mama but it's just a lot of things happening right now," I said. "Well tell me." She said plainly. "Maja's pregnant."


I felt the bed dip and a pair of arms wrap around me. I groaned. "Maja." I heard Angelo whisper in my ear. "Yes?" I mumbled softly. "We need to talk." He said. I turned around and looked up at him seeing the worry etched on his face. "What happened?" I asked concerned. He looked at me hesitantly before he spoke. "I just talked to my mom." He said as he unknowingly caressed my leg. "And?" I queried. "I told her about the baby." I continued to stare at him. "Okay," I said. "She wants to meet you." He said looking at me.

"Was she mad?" I asked a little worried. "No, she just wants to meet you." He said with a shrug. "Well, it's only fair seeing as how my mom has met you," I said looking at him. "Whenever she wants to is fine with me," I said as I yawned before resting my head back on his chest when he started talking again. "I need to ask you something." He said. "And that would be?" I asked. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked. I sat up and looked at him seeing a nervous smile on his face. "The last time we went on a date this happened," I said pointing at my stomach.

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