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I heard the door open and I turned to see her standing there looking down at me. I stood there looking at her as her eyes wash over my bruised face. I held up her favorite flower, an orchid before I spoke. I'm sorry for storming off," I said. She stared up at me with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow. I sighed. "My adrenaline was high and my anger was even higher. I didn't want to snap at you and cause any type of problem between us, but clearly, I did." I said turning to leave.

"I get that you were mad, and I can appreciate that even though you were pissed you controlled yourself to not take it out on anyone." She said making me stop. She grabbed my hand and she led me inside to her room. "Sit." She said pointing at the bed as she walked to her bathroom. I grabbed her Oreos and remote just as she came back with a first aid kit.

"Really?" I smiled making her shake her head. She came and stood in front of me tilting my head up to look to look at her. "This is going to sting." She said before she put the cotton swab on one of the cuts. "So, you want to explain what happened tonight?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I questioned. She stopped and raised an eyebrow. "Clearly you and Zachary have some beef. So, what happened between you to?" She asked.

I clenched my jaw. "Zachary and Christoph helped me with Richard." She paused looking down at me. "After he was disposed of Christoph and I were able to move on good terms but Zachary on the hand felt some type of way. We ran into each other a while back at another fight." I said. "Ever since, when we see each other everyone knows there's going to be some problems." She nodded her head.

"You and your aggression need to find a healthier release." She said before I pulled her onto my lap. "Don't even think about it, playa." She said shaking her head before standing up. I laughed. "Have you ever thought about therapy?" She asked making me smack my lips. "I don't need..." "Ah, but you do." She interrupted. "No, I don't," I said as she finished cleaning my last cut. "Says the man who likes to fight in some dangerous ass fight club bullshit." She snapped.

"I'm not saying you have to go it was a suggestion. It helped me." She said with a shrug. "You went to therapy?" She nodded her head. "After you left, and we were dealing with Richard I went for a couple months. It really did help." "I'll think about it," I said as she came back and climbed into her bed. "Am I finally allowed to spend the night?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me. "Only because I don't trust that you won't go back and kill Zachary or get yourself killed for that matter." She said as she laid down. I stripped down to my boxer before joining her. Soon enough I found myself dozing off. "Maja?" I mumbled. "Yes." She said. "Thank you for listening to me," I mumbled before I fell completely asleep


"Thank you for listening to me." He said before the soft sound of his snores. I looked down at him as I brushed his hair out of his face. He tightened his grip around me pulling me closer. My door opened slightly and a head full of hair soon came through. "Mommy?" Sami's sleepy voice rang. "Yes, baby," I said. "Can I sleep with you?" Sher asked. "Come on," I said lifting my blanket letting her climb in.

- - -

I looked over at Angelo as we both got dressed for work. "You sure you're feeling up to it today?" Angelo asked. "Yeah, if Sami feels good enough to go to school I can go to work," I said. "I'm ready," Samiya said running in with her jacket on. I chuckled. "Alright let me grab my keys," I said as I put my earrings in. "Let me drive today," Angelo said. "Sami how would you like for me to drive you to school today? We could even stop for some breakfast." He smiled making Samiya jump up and down. "Ooo please mommy can Gelo take me to school?" I looked over at Angelo to see him smirking. "Sure baby. Go wait in the living room. We'll be right out."

"Bribing a six-year-old, really?" She whispered. "I wasn't bribing her. Now hurry up you don't want to be late. Your boss is a dick." He said making me laugh. After grabbing my bag, I head into the living room and helped Samiya put her backpack on. I then slipped my own jacket on before I went and stood in front of Angelo and straightened out his jacket. I looked down at Sami to see her staring at us in awe. "What's wrong mama?" I asked. "You and Gelo look really pretty." She said before grabbing my hand. I smiled as we walked out to the car.

We pulled up to Samiya's school and I got out and she grabbed my hand. "Gelo, are you coming?" She asked. "Do you want me to come?" He asked. "Yes, please." She sang with a smile. "Okay then." He got out and grabbed her other hand and we went inside. I laughed as Sami ran around trying to show Angelo everything. Eventually, it was time for us to go. I leaned down and kissed her repeatedly before saying bye.

"That was nice," Angelo said with a smile as he held my hand. "It was," I said looking out the window. We drove for a while before we pulled into his parking spot. "You can go up first." He said making me look at him. "What?" I asked. "I know how you like to keep your personal life private, so you can go up first." He said before he kissed my hand.

I walked into my office to see my cup of coffee and my daily note sitting on my desk. I smiled before putting my stuff down. "Good morning Miss. Lewis." I turned to see Angelo. "Mr. Rossi." I nodded as he smiled before he headed to his office. "I have pigs in a blanket," Andre said. The smell hit my nose and I cringed before covering my mouth. I rushed over to my trash can before puking up my breakfast. "Damn you've been throwing up for over a week now. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're pregnant. I'll go get you a bottle of water." Andre said rubbing my back before he left. "Pregnant." I snorted at the thought. I walked over to my desk and sat down. "Pregnant?" I mumbled. "Pregnant," I said as I grabbed my calendar looking at today's date. "Oh. My. God."

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