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"Make sure you come out to the talent show on Friday," I said passing out a flyer. "Are you going to be doing something on the show?" These two women asked. "You have to come to find out," I said smiling. They smiled and nodded their heads. "We'll be there." They said walking off.

I headed back over to the table we had set up. "So how many was that?" J.J. asked. "Four, plus the ones from earlier makes eighteen for me," I said popping my collar.

"Man shut up." They all laughed. "Aye, there goes your girl," Omar said. I turned to see Maja walking our way with her sisters. "Hello, boys. Hey baby." Arnell said smiling at Micah as they kissed. Maja and Nadia rolled their eyes. "Gross." Maja and Nadia both said. I chuckled watching them.

"Have you talked to her yet?" Reggie asked. "Not since Monday." He nodded his head. "Well... go talk to her then. Better yet invite her to the picnic." Reggie suggested. I walked over to her. "What's up Maja?" You could literally see her body tense before she turned around. "H-hey Angelo." She stuttered. I smiled at her taking in her full appearance.

She was dressed casually in a pair of shorts and this shirt that said If folks wanna pop off... -President Barack Obama. I chuckled. "I like your shirt." She looked down then up at me. "Thank you." I look at her face seeing she was wearing these oversized sunglasses with her hair straightened.

"Wow," I whispered. I looked at Nadia seeing her looking at me with a smirk playing on her lips as she caught me staring at Maja. I coughed scratching the back of my neck.

"So, can I help you with something?" She asked. "You've been avoiding me." She looked away from me, so I grabbed her chin turning her attention back to me. "It was the kiss, wasn't it?" She pushed my hand away. "I don't know what you're talking about. As for that kiss, it was just a kiss." She went to walk away when I grabbed her wrist pulling her to me. As I pulled her to me I leaned down gently kissing her. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me rest my hand on the small off her back. She quietly moaned into the kiss before I broke it and whispered in her ear.

"You sure about that?" I asked making her shiver.

I turned to leave but stopped facing her. "Come to the picnic this afternoon," I stated rather than asked her. She looked at me for a minute. "That's not how you ask?" I walked back towards her. "Will come to the picnic today?" She opened her mouth to say something smart but Nadia beat her to it. "She'll be there." I chuckled kissing her cheek before walking off.


I was following my sisters and Micah back to our apartment listening to them talk about what just happened. "You and Angelo give me heartburn dealing with you two," Nadia said mugging me. While Arnell squeezed Micah's arm and smiled. The three of them glanced at me, but I was so far in my thoughts that I didn't bother acknowledging them.


We walked into the park and I looked at all the people walking, talking, and dancing around. Rod came and stood next to me throwing his arm over my shoulder. "I think I like college." He said looking at all the women. I rolled my eyes.

"Shit me too," Tae said standing next to me. "I swear you two ain't nothing but some little hoes." They gasped dramatically looking down at me.

"Maja! We are two wholesome young men." Rod said. I shook my head laughing. We started walking around and I chatted up a few people and introduced Tae and Rod to a few people. I was talking to Nakita when I saw Angelo sitting on a table talking to his friends. I quickly looked away just as he looked my way, but I could already saw the smile forming on his lips.

I slid my sunglasses on and I felt an arm go around my neck. I was pulled against a hard chest before I was spun around to face Angelo's chest. I pushed him away or tried to at least. He chuckled at my attempts to try and push him away. "What's up Nakita?" He said as he loosened his grip so I could turn and look at her. "Don't say anything," I said looking at the smile on her face. She laughed before saying hi to Angelo. "Let me go find my man. Bye, you two." She said before walking off.

"You can let go now," I said still in his grip. "Why am I making you uncomfortable?" He said in my ear. I turned to see him smirking before he grabbed my hand. He led us back to his table where everyone sat talking. "Maja!" Reggie and Omar yelled.

"How drunk are they?" I asked. "I'll have you know I'm not drunk," Reggie said. "Shit I am," Omar said.

I laughed before I was pulled down onto Angelo's lap. I looked back at him and tried to move. "Relax, I'm not going to bite." He whispered.

I sat in Angelo's lap and tried to listen to the conversation going on around me but I couldn't focus due to Angelo rubbing circles on my leg. "You okay?" He said lowly in my ear. I jumped up feeling the vibration from his voice fan my neck. "Okay! How about we go get some food?" I asked grabbing Arnell's hand and as she grabbed Nadia's hand.


The guys all laughed as Maja ran off while I groaned covering my face. "She is literally running from you." Omar slurred.

I looked at Maja as she talked to the cook and laughed at something he said. I turned my attention back to my boys when I noticed Rod, Tae, and Haseem off to the side talking. I walked over to them. "What's up?" Tae said sipping his beer. I sat down and took one more glance at Maja.

"What's the deal with Maja?" I asked. Her brother glanced at Rod and Haseem chuckled. "Why don't you ask your real question?" Montae said. "Alright," I said nodding my head. "What's her issue with dating?" I asked. Rod and Haseem stood up and walked off. "Damn is it that bad?" I asked.

"I'm going to telling you this because I've seen how you are with her and it pretty obvious you like her." He said with a shrug. Damn, if it's that fucking obvious why can't Maja tell. I thought to myself. "Our parents got divorced when Maja was really young." I nodded my head telling him to continue. "Although our parents weren't together my dad made sure that he maintained our close relationship, that is until he got remarried. His new wife had some kids from a previous marriage." He shook his head in disappointment. "Her little shit-faced kids used to mess with Maja all the time. It was more so her sons." My jaw tightened as I listened.

"So I take it his new wife and stepchildren were white," I stated. He nodded his head. "When it came to my father and his step kids he always took their sides especially when it came to Maja. When Maja hit like fifteen or sixteen she cut all ties with our father and his family. She never told us why." He said with a shrug. I nodded my head looking over at Maja and Nadia laughing. It all made sense for the most part.

"I will say one thing about my sister though." He said finishing his beer. "She likes you." I laughed. "Nah, she can't stand my ass. The first time we talked she looked like she wanted to run me over." We laughed, but he shook his head. "Trust me. She's hardheaded and stubborn and she got a smart-ass mouth and..." He paused. "What was I talking about?" I laughed harder. "Maja likes me." "Oh yeah. Trust me she likes you, she's just doesn't realize it yet." I looked at him confused. "He's right she does." I turned to see Arnell. "Just give her time to come to the realization on her own." She said being serious.

I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me. "I know she's difficult but just talk to her. Ask her questions, get to know her. You are one of the few people who really get under her skin. That shit intrigues her. Now go." She said shooing me off.

My attention went to Maja and it was almost like my feet had a mind of their own and before I knew it I was standing over her. "Come with me somewhere."

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