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I looked at the building seeing black men all over the place. "You ready, Dem?" Tae asked looking back at Demery. "Yep." He smiled. "Are you ready?" Rod asked looking at me. I chuckled. "I've been to a barbershop before," I said. "This ain't just a barbershop. This is a black institution." Tae corrected. I nodded my head. We all climbed out and Dem walked to me grabbing my hand before we followed Tae and Rod inside. All eyes turned to us or rather me as the men looked me over. "What's up Black?" Tae said dapping him up before Rod did the same. Black's eyes shifted to me as he mugged me. "Who is this?" The man asked staring me down.

"This is Maja's husband," Rod said. Black turned and looked at Rod wide-eyed. "Husband?" He questioned shocked. Tae chuckled. "Yeah she got married like a month or two ago," Tae explained. Black turned back to me. "What's your name?" He asked. "Angelo," I said stepping towards him. He looked me up and down again. "Hi Black," Dem said with a wave. "What's up little man?" Black said as he squatted down to his level giving him a high five. He stood back up looking at me. "You treating her good?" He asked. "Of course," I said. "How did you meet Maja?" Another barber asked. "At school," I told him.

He nodded his head before Tae spoke. "He's good Black," Tae told him. "How do I know that? We all know what happened with Maja." He said as I looked around the room at all the men who looked at me closely. The barber and the clients all looked at me skeptically. "You all care about Maja," I stated. "We tease her a lot but we've all known her for years. Hearing about the shit she went through right under our noses—" He paused. "We're skeptical." He said. I nodded my head. "Dem go sit down over there, okay?" I said pointing at an empty chair. He nodded his head. I looked back at Black before I spoke.

"I don't owe any of you an explanation on my relationship with Maja but I get it," I said. "I will say that I love Maja. Making sure she feels loved and is happy are my only goals. Not just her but our kids because I want nothing more than to make sure I can give all of them the best life they deserve." I said staring Black down. "Now if you don't want me in your shop it's fine but I would like my son to get his hair cut here. I know and understand how important the barbershop experience is in black culture and I wouldn't want him to miss that because of me." I said. Black stared at me for a while.

"You got some fucking balls coming in here talking to me like that." He said. I looked at him letting him speak. "Demery?" He called. I turned seeing Dem walk over. "Yes?" He asked. "Go ahead and sit in my chair." He told Dem before his attention turned back to me. "You hurt Maja and you won't have to worry about the laws coming for because I'll be coming for you." He said. I looked at him not really phased by the threat. He stared me up and down before he chuckled. "You got heart nigga." He said. "This man used to box and he's a little nutty," Tae said. I took a seat where Dem had been. "Box? Where at?" Another man asked. "The Pit," I said causing them all to look at me. "That underground shit." The man said. "That's Dru," Rod told me. I nodded my head.

"Yeah but now I train at the 518 gym," I said which caused the conversation to shift to who could take who.


"He did what?" Nadia asked. "He put down $700,000 in full on a house," I said. "Bit—" Arnell looked at Sami. "Girl he got money." She said. I chuckled. "But this house is amazing, but I don't want y'all to see until it's complete." I smiled. "When do you move in?" Nadia asked. "I want to be moved in before I get too far along. I really just want to get the kid's rooms set." I said. "I'm so excited." I smiled as I ate my fries. "Wait didn't you go see Aunt Marie? How'd that go?" Arnell said. I made a face causing them to do the same.

"Oh my God! Did you find out what the twins are?" Arnell asked excitedly. I looked down at Sami. "You want to tell your aunties what momma's having?" I asked her. She smiled taking a sip of her juice. "I'm going to have two new baby brothers." She smiled. "Aww." Nadia cooed. "Oh lord you two are going to be living in a house full of boys," Arnell said. Sami wrapped her arm around my me leaning her head on my chest. I massaged her scalp chuckling. "She has no idea what she's in for," Arnell said. Sami has always lived in a house with mainly women, so it was going to be interesting to see her have to live with a bunch of boys. "I have no idea what's coming," I said making them laugh.

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