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I woke laying on top of Angelo with his hand resting on my ass. I quietly got up grabbing my shoes and my phone as it started to vibrate. "Yes," I whispered. "Where are you?" I sighed looking up. "I went for a walk."

"Sure you did. All night, I don't think so." Arnell loud ass said. "Am I on speaker?" I asked Nadia. "Yes, but anyways I called to remind you that we're going shopping with mama."

"Great," I mumbled to myself.

"I'll be there," I said hanging up. "So you're just going to leave without saying bye?" I turned to see Angelo still lying on his back with his arm thrown over his face. "Bye Angelo." He yawned as he slowly stood up. He grabbed his shoes and keys and headed for the door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Your apartment is on the other side of campus. You think I'm going to let you walk?" He asked looking at me. "Well, I..." He chuckled. "Let's go."

I stared out the window as we drove to my place. "So your step-siblings seem ..."

"Like little demons," I said finishing his sentence. "Well, that's one way to put it." He laughed. "Your brother told me a little about your relationship with them." I tensed looking over at him. "What did he say?" I asked. "That your stepbrothers used to mess with you and when you turned like 16 you stopped fucking with them, but they don't know why," Angelo said. "That's true," I said plainly.

"It was a lot of stuff that happened, when I turned 17 I just didn't want to deal with my father or his 'kids'," I said turning to look out the window.


"Well, thanks for giving me a ride back and for last night," I said avoiding looking at him. "No problem." I turned to leave but he grabbed my hand. He pulled me into a hug. "Let me know if you need to get away, alright." I pulled out of the hug a little and looked up at him to see if he was serious, and he was. "Maja. Angelo." We both turned to see my parent's and my father's wife and children. "Uh, hey mama," I said going to hug her. "I thought you were going to be here later," I said. "I was but I just decided to come over a little early. If that's okay with you?" I smiled. "Of course mama," I said throwing my arm around her. I looked back at Angelo to see Hilary and Blair staring at him. I felt a tinge of jealousy as I watched them stare him down but then I noticed something. He wasn't paying them any mind and his eyes were glued to me.

My face heated up from his intense gaze. "Thank you again for the ride," I said looking away from him. He grabbed my hand pulling me to him. "Once again it was no problem." He smiled. "Remember what I said." I looked at my step-siblings then to him nodding my head. "Angelo, why don't you join us?" My mother asked him with a smile. I turned and looked at her with wide eyes. "That'll give us a chance to talk." Angelo looked from her to me. "Maja?" He asked. "I thought this was supposed to be a family thing?" Christoph asked staring Angelo down. A frown fell on my face when I heard his voice. I looked over at him. "Then why are you here, ass..." "Maja!" My parents yelled as Angelo covered my mouth. "Watch your mouth." They said. I closed my eyes taking a breath before I pushed his hand away. "Sorry, mama," I said looking at her then I realized something. "Why did you even bring them?" I asked as my mother looked at me with guilty eyes before I walked off.


I watched as Maja walked into her building leaving me with her family. "Hi, I'm Blair." The dark-haired girl said to me. "I'm Hilary." The other one said as they both smiled. I shook my head turning to Ms. Jaqueline. "I'll come to the dinner," I said. "If there is still one." She said with a sad smile before heading inside. The six of them looked at me before heading inside as well. I sighed before heading home to shower and change. I walked inside and up the stairs. I was walking passed Haseem's room when I poked my head in. "Hey, you good?" I asked. "Huh, what?" My eyebrow rose. "I said are you good?" He sat there quiet. I walked in and sat in one of his chairs. "What's going on?" He looked at me before closing his door.

"I fucked up." I looked at him in confusion. "Is it school?" I asked. "It's Maja." My jaw clenched as I stared him down. I thought back to last night the way Haseem and Maja looked at each other. I knew something was up. "What happened?" I said.

His head dropped into his hands. "She caught me in her bed with someone." He said. My eyes widened as I looked at him. "Why would you do that in her bed? That's.... that's...." I didn't even know what to say.

He shook his head. "She was supposed to be at the talent show." I stood up. "Haseem you have a whole room. Even if she was at the talent show why would you do that her place?" He looked up at me. "Because if I would have done it here there was a higher chance of being caught." I rolled my eyes.

"Caught! We've all brought girls home to fuck. All you had to do was let someone know and we would have left you alone." I said looking at him like he was stupid.

"IT WASN'T A GIRL, ALRIGHT!!" He yelled standing up. I looked at him before I sat back down. "What?" He sighed. "I was with a guy." He said quietly. We sat there in silence for a moment. "We were right in the middle of it when the girls walked in." He paused grabbing his hair. My eyes were huge at this point. "So you're gay?" I asked. "No. I've been with women and men." I nodded my head. "And you didn't want to come here with your 'friend' because you thought we would judge you?" I questioned. He stayed silent.

"Damn. I'm really sorry Haseem." I said making him look at me. "You're sorry?" He said confused. "Yeah, we must have said or did something that led you to think you couldn't tell us this. I'm sorry." He sighed. "I appreciate that." It fell quiet again. "You know you have to talk to them right. Especially Maja." He nodded his head. I stood grabbing his shoulder. "She's going to be pissed but she'll understand," I said before walking out.


I pulled up to the restaurant and headed inside. "How many in your party?" The hostess asked. "I'm with the Lewis party," I said. She looked at her paper before nodding her head and led me to a separate room. I stood at the door watching the crazy scene in front of me. Arnell and Nadia were yelling at their step-sisters while Roderick and Montae were trying to keep them from attacking the girls. A few feet away Mrs. Lewis and Keenan were yelling at each other. On the other side of the room, I saw Maja talking to her step-brothers. The younger one of the two caressed her face but she pushed him away. The older one smiled saying something to her while Maja had an angry look on her face. She pushed them out of her way but the younger one grabbed her arm whispering something in her ear. A look of surprise came across her face and she looked at the two of them. She turned and slapped him before yelling at them. She stormed off heading my way barely sparing me a glance as she kept walking.


I was shaking at how angry I was and then my eyes started watering making me even angrier. "Maja?" I rolled my eyes when I heard Angelo's voice. "What?" I said sniffing as I turned to look at him. "Let's go for a drive." He said looking down at me. I shook my head. "I just want to go home," I said lowly. He nodded his head understanding. "Okay let's go." He said grabbing my hand. "What?" I said pulling back. "You want to go home, so let's go." He said walking again.


Uncomfortable was the only way to describe how I felt having Angelo in my room let alone having him lay across my bed. I was sitting against my headboard with my knees curled to my chest as we watched tv. "So, you want to talk about what happened back there?" He asked again for the hundredth time. "No Angelo." I sighed. "You su..." "Angelo shut up," I said annoyed. He chuckled, but not a laughing kind of way. He stood grabbing my face making me look at him. He leaned down and kissed me. "Call me when you fix your attitude." He said with a sigh. I sat there watching as he walked out of my room.

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