One-Hundred & twelve

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Super long chapter


I stared at Teddy wide-eyed as he smiled. "Don't smile at me." I looked at Nicky seeing an identical smile. I pressed my forehead against Teddy's making him smile more. "We agree no more hitting people. Especially not me." He started to babble back, and my head cocked back shocked. "Was that back talk?" I looked at Nicky. 

"Did he just back-talk me?" Nicky laughed and Teddy yelled. "And now we're yelling. Wow, you hit five months and get to" I said as the doorbell chimed. I scooped both of them up to go and let Haseem in.

"Hi." He said with a big smile. He took Teddy and hugged me. I closed the door behind him, and we headed to the kitchen. "So what's up?" I asked. "I wanted to talk to you sooner, but Tae asked me to leave it alone." He began.

It had been almost a month since everything happened with Tae, and he hadn't come by in that time which was fine. He still made time to speak to the kids even with our issues, but I couldn't lie my feelings were hurt. Tae didn't even try to reach out, but maybe I had no right to be upset. "What happened Maj?" I looked up at Haseem.

"What did he tell you?" I asked. "That he fucked up. He showed up at our place devastated and spent several days in our guest room. What happened?" "He had Sonia around our kids." Haseem's eyes bugged out. "Before you met her? No. He wouldn't. Are you sure?" I nodded my head.

"He admitted to it. I've had to deal with a lot, and I can take it, but involving my kids—," I shook my head. "All he had to do was call and ask. I probably would've been okay with it. It's the fact that he didn't say anything, and Sonia pretended to not know them. That's shady." I said.

"So what does that mean for Tae?" I sighed. "He can still see the kids. I want him to see them obviously—I'm just—disappointed and exhausted. I expect that my siblings would know me well enough to not have my kids around someone I don't know. I don't want to fight with him. I don't want to argue. I'm trying to do right by Sami and Dem because they deserve it so much. I wasn't the best mom in the beginning, especially to Dem, so I'm doing my best to make up for that now."

"Maja you know you're an amazing mom. I can see it with how happy the kids are and how much they talk about you. To them, you are the best mom in the world." I wiped my face.

"Hell, you're the best friend I could've asked for." I chuckled. "Thank you." "Have you talked to him?" I frowned. "No, but I assume that's because he's upset. Which okay, but I'm not the one who wronged him." "No, but you do have a temper," I smacked my lips at that. "I wasn't even the one he spoke to. Angelo was. I haven't talked to him in a month. Not a word. If he wants to talk to the kids he goes through Angelo." I explained as Nicky reached out to grab my face.

"But fuck it." "No, you two need to talk. The oldest and youngest cannot be fighting. If he reached out would you speak to him?" I nodded my head. "Good." He said pulling his phone out. "Are you calling him now?" "Yes"


The day blew by, and I was seated on the couch with Dem to my right and Sami to my left. "No, his lines are messed up." We were watching Ink Master, and I was surprised at how into it the kids were.

"She's right. Look at this line." Angelo stood holding Nicky as he pointed out the line. "Oh I see, but the picture is nice. Does that count?" "Sometimes but the judges take other things into account." I let them dissect several of the episodes before it was time for bed.

"I love you Bubba sleep good." He stood up on his bed and jumped on me. I chuckled. "I love you, mama." He said kissing my cheek. "Love you more." I let him go before checking on Sami. "Hey, mamas. You ready for bed?"

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