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So I had time today, so I typed up a quick chapter. It's not edited, so ignore any mistakes.


I was sitting next to uncle as we sat across from Gus and Alec. "So, Maja tells me you two have a story to tell?" He asked. "We'll talk if we can get full immunity," Alec said. "I'm not giving you a deal without know what information you have to offer, so either you talk, or this meeting is over." Uncle Andre said. Alec and Gus looked at each other before they turned back to us. "The day Elaina went missing Richard told us to follow her and wait for his call." Gus began.

"We followed her to Dimitri's home, and we sat outside the house for hours. Then out of nowhere there was yelling, and at that moment Richard called me." Alec said. "While he was on the phone I listened to Dimitri and Elaina bicker." Gus chimed in. "Richard wanted to know what was going on, so I filled him in. Just as I was done explaining we heard Dimitri call her a lying a bitch before he kicked her out. Elaina came storming out, which I informed Richard of." Alec said.

"We got a notification that she was making a phone call which happened to be to your office. We informed Richard of this and he told us to grab her. So, we did." I listened intently as both men spoke. "We drove her to Richard's stash house and that was the last time we saw her alive," Gus said. "Do you have any proof of this?" Andre asked. Alec grabbed a bag and set it on the table. Alec pulled out a huge folder of documents then sat several tapes on the table along with a folder of pictures. While Uncle Dre went through the documents, I looked through the pictures. I was through maybe 10 of the photos when I saw myself.

Picture after picture they were of me going about daily life. Then suddenly there was a picture of me sleeping in bed. I gasped gaining my Uncle's attention. "What? What is it?" He asked. I handed him the pictures.

"So, do we have a deal or what?" Alec asked. "If this all checks out, I'll draw up the paperwork," Andre said. Both Gus and Alec nodded their heads before leaving. "Maja I'll go through this stuff and if I come across anything about you that's too—" My uncle paused. "Too sensitive I'll let you know." He said. I nodded my head before standing. I was gathering my thing when Gus walked back into the room. My uncle and I both turned to look at him curiously. Gus walked over to me and handed me one of those old school DVD holders. I looked at it to see an 'X' tape across the front of it. I looked up at him and he had this regretful look of dread on his face. "You should watch these alone," Gus said.

I looked from the tape back to Gus. I nodded my head.


"Hi, Gelo!" Sami sang I walked into her class. "Hey munchkin," I said with a huge smile. I scooped her up hugging her tightly. "I missed you." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck giving me a squeeze. "I missed you too," I said smiling. "Alright let's go get Dem," I said as I set her down. She grabbed my hand and we headed for the door.

I got Sami into her seat before getting into mine and heading to Dem's school. "Is mama going to be at home?" Sami asked. "Of course," I said. "Does she know about daddy?" She asked again. "Yeah, so when we got home your mom will talk to about everything going on, okay?" I said glancing at her in the rearview mirror. "Okay." She said looking out the window.

We pulled up to Dem's school and I got out and helped Sami out of the car before we headed inside. "Good afternoon Angelo." One of Dem's teacher said. I smiled giving her a wave. I went to where the kids sat to wait for their parents. "Gelo!" Dem called once he spotted me. I smiled waving. "Hey, little man," I said as he ran towards me. "Sami!" He said once I put him down. "Hi, Dem!" Sami said smiling hugging her little brother tight. "Why don't you go help him with his things?" I suggested. They smiled nodding their head rushing off.

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