OmniscientMaja and the twins had spent most of the day signing papers and going over the legalities that she was now facing. Once she was finally free she rushed out to her car so she could pick up Dimitri and Sami.
Maja glanced down at the huge packet of documents she had to discuss with Dimitri as she waited for Angelo to answer the phone.
"Hello, sweet cheeks." He said before she could speak. Maja's laughter boomed from the speaker causing Angelo to smile. "How do you know Sami and Dimitri aren't in the car?" She asked. "Are they?" He countered.
"No, but the babies are." She told him. "Well for one they're babies and two your cheeks are pretty sweet. I'm just voicing my appreciation." He told her causing her to laugh again. Which led to the boys throwing out their own sounds at the noise.
"I know he's corny, but you'll get used to it." Maja cooed at her babies. "You hurt me so deeply," Angelo said. "It keeps you from getting a big head." She told him. "But I did call for a purpose." She added as she texted Dimitri that she was outside.
"What's up?" Angelo asked. "Just reminding you about Sami's parent-teacher meeting." She said.
"I know. I'm sitting in the parking lot at the school." Angelo said. "Oh." She said making him chuckle. "Well, we should be there soon." She said. "Okay see you soon sugar—,"
"Goodbye." She said quickly before hanging up. The door to the shop opened and Sami came out with Dimitri not too far behind.
"Hi, mommy," Sami said as she climbed into the backseat. "Hi, Nicky. Hi Teddy." She cooed at her brothers. Dimitri went to the backseat also and greeted the babies before getting into the passenger seat.
"Hello, you cutie patootie." He said before a big smile broke out on his face.
"Angelo told you to say that didn't he?" Maja questioned before flicking his ear as he laughed. Sami leaned forward with a huge smile to match before kissing her mother's cheek.
"You are a cutie patootie, mama." She said with a giggle. Maja grabbed her daughter lightly kissing her cheek.
"You are the cutest patootie." She said. Sami's smile grew before she looked at her dad. "You're a cutie patootie too." She said. "Well thank you, my dear." He said poking her nose.
"Okay seatbelts on," Maja called. "You're in a very good mood. Did something happen?" Maja asked already knowing. "Angelo invited me to guy's night." He said.
Maja glanced over at him smiling. "Really? How did it go?" She asked. He feigned annoyance before chuckling.
"It was good. I'm still getting used to hanging out without all the other stuff." He said. "That's so good. I'm not going to ask what happened because it was guy's night, but I hope Omar, Tae and even Reggie didn't talk you into doing anything crazy." She said. Dimitri laughed.
"There have been a couple of instances where one or more of them has ended up doing something crazy and my sisters, Toya and I are called. But seeing as I didn't get a call or text I'm going to assume everything was okay." Maja said.
"Nothing happened. It was a pretty chill night but just being included was enough for me." Dimitri said. "Awww, that's so precious." She said as she pulled into the school parking lot. "Girl hush." He said waving her off as she parked.
Angelo saw Maja's car pull into the parking lot. He waited as she parked the car before he made his way over. He knocked on her window and watched as she slowly turned and looked at him with a glare he hadn't seen since they were in college.

Loved By You
Romance"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...