One-Hundred & fourteen

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I stared at the test frozen. "Maj? What does it say?" Arnell called. Standing I opened the door staring at my sisters. "That green-eyed demon put another baby in me." they nearly fell out laughing.

"Girl don't act like you don't be all over that man too." Nadia nudged me. "Yeah, you love you some Angelo Rossi, can't fool us." Arnell shook her head. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah well, you don't see me putting any babies in him." I crossed my arms before Teddy rushed over to us.

"Mama!" Teddy called holding his hand up with Haseem not too far behind him with Nicky in his arms. "Well, am I getting another niece or nephew?" He asked. I was scowling while my sisters were all smiles. "Yes!" "You three are so rude." Arnell rubbed my back as we headed into the living room. "How are you going to tell him this time?" Nadia asked. "I'm just going to tell him. Knowing my luck he put an extra set of twins in me just to prove a point." I rolled my eyes as Teddy nuzzled in close.

"And what point would that be?" Haseem asked finding this whole thing amusing. "That his little troopers are evil. It was that stupid barbeque he forced me to go to that caused all of this." "Oh, the one where you two were being fast. You can't entirely be mad at him you're both just mad fertile." Nadia snorted.


"You know we can see you right?" I flinched turning slowly and meeting my sisters' smirking faces. "I wasn't doing anything." "So you weren't just lusting over Angelo? Girl you were staring at him like he was a big juicy steak." Arnell teased. I pouted mugging her. "Well, he's the one who forced me to come out to this barbeque. We'll only go for an hour. I have to show my face." I mimicked Angelo's words rolling my eyes.

"Well we've been here for two and then he chooses to run around shirtless and sweaty. I'm not going to pretend I don't like being under my man because I do but see that's just mean." I motioned to him as he tied his hair up, his back tattoo on full display, hell all his tattoos were showing.

"I'm not mad at it. Reggie looks fine as hell today. I tried to get him to skip it but like you said he had to show his face." Arnell huffed. "I wanted to come. I trust Omar but the women that come to these things lose their goddamn minds and I'm not playing with no heifer behind my little Que dog." Toya snipped. She wasn't wrong but Angelo wasn't crazy. "Well I only came because y'all did, so I'm happy they did," Nadia spoke.

After she and J.J. broke up a year ago they'd managed to become amazing coparents. "You should really let me set you up. Reggie has some very cute, very well-mannered, and well-paid attorney friends that—," "That would want to date a single mom?" Arnell nodded her head.

"Yep. These are grown men Nay. I'd do it for Maj if she was single. Hell, I had a couple of men at my job ask me about you three." "I'll think about it." My eyes drifted back over to Angelo and as if finally feeling my eyes on him his head turned. Our eyes locked and he smiled winking at me and blowing a kiss. "Fuck, I have to be ovulating." "Girl, what?" I hadn't realized I said that out loud.

An awkward smile covered my face. "I didn't mean to say that out loud, but my point stands. He looks like a bottle of ice-cold water in this summer heat. Which means I'm likely ovulating, and we all know Angelo can't keep his hands to himself." "Aww are you going to give us another baby to love on?"

They laughed at Toya's words, but the way Angelo and I were set up it could happen. "Shit with your anniversary coming up. We might get two. Do y'all have any plans?" Nadia asked.

"He said he did. All I know is that I'm supposed to pack a bag." "Aww," Toya cooed. "Well, whatever it is you know it's something over the top," Nadia said. I nodded my head.

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