Episode 1: Pokemon, I Choose You

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2 Years Later

One bright sunny morning in Pallet Town, flying Pokemon begin to take to the sky as the sun begins to rise. Inside her bed room of Professor Oak's lab, young Mew is fast asleep in her bed, who is now a ten year old girl. Sleeping next to her is her Eevee friend. And lying between both of them is a Pokemon Egg. The Pokemon Egg is orange-brown color and a pale tan crescent on it. Soon, Eevee begins to open its eyes and begins to wake up.

Eevee then walks over to Mew and licks her face. Mew soon begins to wake up and turns her head to see Eevee.

"Eevee." (Morning.) Eevee says.

Mew yawns and says, "Morning Eevee."

Mew then sits up and stretches her arms as she yawns. She then leaves out of bed as she picks up the Egg and opens the window that is next to her bed. She sees the sun rising as a new day is beginning. Her long dark teal hair spread down her back while wearing a baby blue color pajama, and her light blue eyes shine in the sun.

"It's a brand new day, and today is the day I start my Pokemon Journey, right Eevee?" Mew replies, turning to Eevee.

Eevee happily says, "Eevee!" (Yeah!)

Mew then closes the window so she can get dressed for the journey, and takes her little egg along with it.

Moments later, Mew is walking to the lab who is now wearing a white tank top with a black sleeveless jacket, blue shorts, and black and light blue color shoes. Her hair is down to about her waist and she is wearing a red and white color cap with a green stylized "L" on the front. She also has a large pink bag with the long strap on her right shoulder. One of the things inside is her Pokemon Egg that is also wrapped by a blanket so it will be protected and warm.

Eevee happily follows Mew down the stairs until they reach Professor Oak's lab. She soon walks into the lab and sees her human friend, Gary Oak, another trainer who will be starting his journey. Standing next to him is a small Pokémon that resembles a light-blue turtle. It has large, purplish or reddish eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip. Each of its hands and feet have three pointed digits. The end of its long tail curls inward. It's also wearing a shell that is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and has a thick white ridge between the two halves.

"Hi Gary," Mew says.

"Eevee!" (Morning!) Eevee happily says.

"Hey Mew. About time you got up," Gary says.

"Very funny Gary, the other two trainers aren't even here yet," Mew says.

She notices the Pokemon next to Gary and kneels down to it.

She happily says, "Hello Squirtle. It's nice to see you too."

"Squirtle." (Good morning.) Squirtle says.

Mew then turns to Gary, "I see that Squirtle is the Pokemon that you choose."

"Yeah. Grandpa gave him to me. Of course, he and I are pretty close," Gary says.

"Squirtle." (That's right.) Squirtle happily says.

"Squirtle agrees." Mew says.

Then the two kids and Pokemon begin laughing. Suddenly, they hear Professor Oak scream and notice a strange yellow light close by.

"That sounds like Grandpa," Gary says.

"Let's see," Mew says.

The four then hurry into a different part of the lab to see the professor has collapsed on the floor with smoke coming out of his body and seems to have burn marks as well.

Pokemon Journeys Season 1: Mew's Journey Through KantoWhere stories live. Discover now