Pokemon the First Movie Part 3: Mewtwo Strikes Back Part 2

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To all the trainers, including Mew and her friend's surprise, the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer is also what appears to be the strongest Pokemon of all. A Pokemon called Mewtwo.

Mew is surprised herself, "Mewtwo."

Pikachu and Eevee look at the Pokemon with serious expression

Fergus speaks and demands, "A Pokémon can't be a Pokémon master! No way!"

"Quiet, human. From now on, l am the one who makes the rules," Mewtwo and his servant answer.

Everyone becomes shocked, and Misty asks, "How's it talking?"

"It must be using telepathy," Brock says.

Just then, Mewtwo lifts his hand and uses his Psychic Powers to petrify Fergus and lifts him into the air. Everyone is stunned to see the display. Mewtwo then clutches his three digits together, keeping Fergus in place. Mewtwo chuckles and tosses Fergus into the fountain

Fergus swims up and says, "We'll show you! Let's go, Gyarados!"

Gyarados then slithers out of the fountain to battle Mewtwo

Fergus stands up and calls out, "Gyarados, Hyper-Beam attack!"

Gyarados then performs a Hyper Beam attack on Fergus. However, Mewtwo uses his psychic powers to perform a barrier, and it bounces the attack directly at Gyarados. The attack strikes at Gyarados with full force and knocks it into the fountain, shocking everyone in the room. Soon, they see Gyarados is down.

Fergus then rushes to his Pokemon in concern, "Gyarados!"

"Child's play," Mewtwo and the servant answer.

He turns to his servant and uses his Psychic powers on her, "Your usefulness has ended."

Suddenly, the servant's eyes change and feels rather dizzy. She then collapses, but Brock quickly catches her. The hat and cover fall off of her head to reveal the servant is Nurse Joy. It doesn't take long for the others to see that this is the Nurse Joy that has gone missing. Soon, she opens her eyes.

"Nurse Joy!" Brock says, relieved.

Confused, Nurse Joy asks, "Where am I? And how in the world did I get here?"

"You have been under my control," Mewtwo answers, causing Brock and Joy to turn to his direction.

Then Mewtwo explains, "I transported you here from the Pokémon center. Your knowledge of Pokémon physiology proved useful to my plan. I have cleansed your tiny human brain of memories from the past weeks."

"Who are you?!" Brock demands in anger."

"I am the new ruler of this world... the master of humans and Pokémon alike," Mewtwo answers.

"You're just a bully!" Misty shouts.

"Pika!" (That's right!) Pikachu says.

Then Eevee says, "Eevee!" (You're mean!)

Meanwhile, in a strange hallway, Team Rocket are able to open the hatch of the floor. They walk down the hall to find anything interesting, and hope not many people are around. As they walk by, one of the doors suddenly opens, and they walk inside. What they find is a kind of lab, with a large machine and tubs with liquids inside. What really catches their attention is to find three tubes with Pokemon inside.

" Look at these," Meowth replies.

Inside are Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise and they are sleeping in the tubs.

"They're Pokémon," Meowth says.

"Are they real?" James wonders.

Jessie walks away and looks around and says to herself, "l was hoping there'd be a party."

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