Episode 13: Electric Showdown at the Vermilion Gym

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After two weeks of being lost, Mew and her friends have finally reached the entrance to Vermilion City.

The three humans happily cheers, "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!"

"I can't wait to take a bubble bath!" Misty happily says.

"I gotta hit the laundromat!" Brock says.

"I could really use something to eat. I'm starving," Mew says.

"And it looks like you're not the only one," Brock says, and points down.

"Huh?" Mew replies and looks down.

Mew looks down to see Pikachu and Eevee have collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and hunger.

"Pikachu! Eevee!" Mew worriedly says, and picks up her Pokemon.

"They must be hungry," Misty says, worried.

"We haven't eaten anything decent in three days now," Brock says.

"Hey, Pikachu, Eevee. You both feeling hungry, little guys?" Mew asks.

Suddenly, Mew's stomach begins to growl. Same with Brock and Misty.

Embarrassed, Mew laughs and says, "I guess we're all a little hungry. Eh, guys?"

"Pika/Eev" (Uh huh.) Pikachu and Eevee weakly say with a nod.

Seeing how hungry, tired, and well, dirty they are, they decide that the Pokemon Center should be their first stop. Mew places her Pokeballs and two of her Pokemon on the tray.

"I think they're hungry," Mew says.

"We'll fix your Pokemon up," Nurse Joy says.

The group looks at Nurse Joy and are a bit surprised to see her appearance.

Nurse Joy turns to them and says, "I know why most of you are surprised, I look like all the other nurses, don't I? My first cousin works in Pewter City, and my second cousin works in Viridian City. I think I'm the prettiest one, don't you?" And giggles in reply.

"Yeah," Brock says.

The doors to the Center open behind them and they hear shouting, "Hurry! You'll be okay Ratata! Hurry!"

The group look to see a boy running next to a stretch that has a Ratata on it, and Chansey helps bring it to the emergency room.

"That Ratata's in rough shape. I wonder what happened," Brock replies.

Nurse Joy sighs as she stands up and says, "Oh, it's the 15th one brought in this month."

"What?" Mew asks, shocked.

Nurse Joy brings the three trainers to the emergency room. Looks like many Pokemon are injured and are laying in a medical bed. They also have bandages wrapped and stick on. Mew and her friends are shocked.

"This is terrible," Brock says.

"They all lost to Lieutenant Surge, the Vermilion gym leader," Nurse Joy says.

"Whoa! He must be a great trainer! What kind of Pokemon did he use, a Gyarados or a Primeape... Hmm, maybe a Rhydon," Mew says, surprised.

The Oddish's answers, "No, he has a powerful Raichu."

"A Raichu?" Mew says, confused.

"That Raichu must be tough. I wonder how tough you have to be to win at the Vermilion Gym," Misty says.

"From the looks of things here, you will have to be tough to battle with this Lt. Surge," Brock says.

"He and that Raichu must be really tough since he's able to defeat a Sandshrew and it's a Ground Type Pokemon," Mew says.

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