Episode 82: Indigo Plateau Finals Preparations

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At the Pokemon Center, Mew has the Pokemon she's using brought over so they can get treated. Mew and her friends wait and in no time, Nurse Joy brings out the tray that has her Pokeballs and Chansey brings out the stretcher that has Pikachu and Eevee on them.

Nurse Joy happily says, "All your Pokemon are back to perfect health."

Pikachu and Eevee happily jump off of the stretcher and onto Mew's shoulders.

Mew happily says, "Glad to see you two are all better."

"Pika Pika," (So are we.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee," (We feel a lot better now.) Eevee says.

"I wish you good luck in the finals, and hope you'll do great at it," Nurse Joy says.

"Thank you Nurse Joy. I'll do my best at the finals," Mew says.

Mew turns to her friends, "Come on guys, we better get going."

"Yeah. Gary's match will be beginning soon," Brock says.

"Let's hurry," Misty says.

"Let's go!" Tomo cheers.

The Pokemon happily cheers as well.

A little time later, Mew and the others are in the stadium and are watching Gary Oak compete in the Semi finals of the Pokemon League against Otoshi.

First Gary uses his Nidoking that is using Megahorn as Otoshi uses a Ninetales that uses Flamethrower. Gary then uses Golem that uses its Rollout Attack, while Otoshi has Dodrio that uses its Drill Peck Attack. Next Gary uses Blastoise that uses Hydro Pump as Otoshi has Kangaskhan that uses an Outrage Attack. Then Gary uses Arcanine that uses Fire Blast, and Otoshi uses a Starmie that performs a Bubble Beam Attack.

Throughout the match, Gary and Otoshi are able to knock each other's Pokemon out. Now the screen shows that Gary has only two Pokemon left while Otoshi has only one Pokemon left. At the battlefield, Otoshi is using his companion, Marowak while Gary has a Scyther.

And on the battlefield, Marowak and Scyther are battling each other rather hard. Scyther uses it's scythes to attack Marowak, but Marowak either dodges or uses its bone to block the attacks.

Otoshi calls out, "Marowak, use Bone Rush!"

Maorwak then begins to use Bone Rush and begins the attack on Scyther.

Gary calls out, "Scyther, deflect it!"

Scyther then uses its white scythes arms to deflect the attack.

Gary then calls out, "Now Scyther, use X-Scissor!"

Scyther then begins to use X-Scissor to get a hard blow on Marowak. Marowak then falls to the ground and is soon knocked out.

The referee says, "Marowak is unable to battle, which means Scyther is the winner and the victor goes to Gary."

Soon, the screen shows Otoshi has no more Pokemon to battle.

"What an outstanding battle. Gary Oak is able to gain his victory and now is moving on to the finals," The announcer says.

Gary smiles and knows that he is now going to compete in the finals, against Mew.

Otoshi walks to Marowak and helps him up. Marowak is disappointed that they lost.

But Ootshi smiles and says, "Do not worry Marowak, you have done an excellent job and gave it your all."

Marowak calmly smiles and nods its head, knowing that they've both done their best.

Mew and her friends clap and cheer with excitement on how great the battle is.

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