Episode 41: The March of the Exeggutor

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Mew and her friends have been working very hard on their Pokemon journey, and haven't been able to get some rest in relaxation, but now they are in luck. They've arrived in a town the same day a carnival has arrived. There are rides, games, food, and so many performers. In fact, there's a big crowd today.

Brock is awestruck by the pretty girls, "Look at all of those beautiful girls."

"And check out all of the rides and shows," Misty says.

"This is going to be so much fun," Mew says.

"Yeah," Tomo says.

Mew then turns to Tomo, "Want to go on the rides?"

"Yeah," Tomo happily says.

With that, the group then split up to have some fun. They go on different rides, have all kinds of food, and play different kinds of games. Misty decides to have Sobble out for him to have fun too. At first, Sobble is a little timid to be in a big crowd, but as long as he's with Misty, Sobble is at ease. Sometime later, Misty and Sobble are having ice cream.

"That one was great, wasn't it? Which one do you want to go on next?" Misty replies.

Before Sobble can answer, a woman's voice shouts, "I've had it! I quit!"

Misty and Sobble turn to see a woman dressed as a Vulpix while a man that looks like a magician is bowing and begging her. Next to him is a Pokemon, she recognizes it to be an Exeggcute.

"Please, don't leave me! I promise to pay you as soon as I can!" The man begs.

The woman sternly says, "Then pay me right now!"

"I can't just now, but I promise as soon as I get some paying customers I'll pay you," The man sadly says.

But the woman refuses, "And just who do you think is gonna come watch your lousy show?!"

The man continues to beg her, but she smacks him in the face.

"I've heard your promises before! Humph! Goodbye," The woman says and leaves the scene.

"Don't leave, I need you," The man sadly says.

Misty walks over to him and asks, "Excuse us, are you alright, sir?"

"You're a kind person, aren't you?" The man asks, depressed.

"Well no, not especially," Misty says.

And such a beautiful girl. You'd help me out, wouldn't you? I need your help so badly. And you'd be so perfect," The man says, and collapses on the ground.

Misty panics and says, "Pull yourself together!"

The man turns to Misty, "You're the only one who can help me now."

Misty becomes a bit confused.

"Please, just listen," The man says.

"Uh, okay," Misty replies.

"Keep an open mind," The man says.

"Uh huh," Misty says with a nod.

The man quickly stands up and says, "I'd like one of you to become the assistant in my act."

"What?" Misty replies, shocked and confused.

The egg Pokemon jumps up and down in excitement.

"I'm a magician. Melvin's the name," The man says.

"Hi," Misty says.

"For you," Melvin says and makes a flower appear.

He then makes flags appear, "I'm not very famous yet, but I'm working really hard on my magic act. My dream is to have my own showroom, and perform my magic act before thousands of cheering fans. Won't you help me make my dream come true?"

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