Episode 57: Clefairy Tales

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One night, in the forest, many Pokemon are fast asleep like there's nothing that can disturb them. Suddenly, a strange metal teapot falls out of the sky and lands on the ground. Then, a strange round spacecraft starts to fall from the sky and soon crashes deep in the forest. The spaceship has been badly damaged by the crash, and the hatch opens to reveal the inhabitants of the ship are Clefairy. The one at front has a yellow flower clip.

They all answer, "Clefairy." (Greetings.)

The next day, Mew and her friends continue on their Pokemon Journey to get to Viridian City. They decide to take a break and have some ice cream.

"I'm so glad we stopped for ice cream," Misty says.

"It looks like Pikachu, Eevee, and Meloetta feel the same way you do, Misty," Brock says.

Indeed, the three Pokemon each have vanilla ice cream. Pikachu and Meloetta eat theirs from a cone while Eevee has hers in a bowl. Togepi reaches his arms out and wants Ice Cream as well.

Seeing Togepi wants some, Misty lends the treat to him, "Here's some for you, Togepi."

Togepi then begins to lick the ice cream in delight.

"Do you like it?" Misty asks.

Mew giggles and says, "I think he likes it."

"I love ice cream," Tomo says.

He has chocolate ice cream and his lips are covered in it as he licks away. Mew and Misty begin to giggle to see how much Tomo loves the ice cream. Suddenly, Misty spots a Clefairy

"Clefairy," (Hello.) The Clefairy happily says.

"Clefairy?" Misty says, confused.

"Fairy," (That's right.) Clefairy happily says.

Mew and the others notice the Clefairy as well.

"I can't believe a Clefairy would just walk right up to us like this!" Brock says, amazed.

"Isn't it cute?" Misty happily says.

Then comes up with an idea, "Hey! Maybe I can capture it with this ice cream as bait."

Clefairy soon hops away.

Misty calls out, "Wait, Clefairy!"

Clefairy continus to hop away with glee.

"I can't let this one get away!" Misty says, and chases after it.

"Misty, wait up!" Mew calls out, and puts her ice cream on the tray.

She hurries off as she calls out, "Come on, Pikachu. Eevee."

Pikachu and Eevee then chase after them.

Tomo places his treat on the table, "Wait for us!"

Tomo and Meloetta follow after them.

"You too, Togepi," Brock says and picks up Togepi.

The group chase after Misty who is determined to catch Clefairy. While they're gone, someone or something snatches all their backpacks and bags. They even take the unfinished ice cream, leaving the table bare. Sometime later, Mew and her friends turn to the table to finish their treat.

"I don't know how that Clefairy got away from me!" Misty says.

"They may be small, but they're tricky!" Brock says.

"Maybe it teleports itself away," Mew suggests.

"Pikachu/Eevee" (Possibly.) Pikachu and Eevee reply.

Suddenly, Brock lets out a gasp.

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