Episode 5: Clefairy and the Moon Stone

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Mew and her friends are hiking toward a mountain called Mount Moon. There have been strange and astonishing tales told about this mysterious place. Pikachu and Eevee are fast asleep. Both Pokemon are sleeping in Mew's bag.

"Mount Moon. Doesn't the name sound romantic?" Misty says.

"People say that a huge meteor crashed into the mountain back in prehistoric times, "Brock says.

"A meteor?" Mew says, interested.

Then Misty asks, "Is it really true?"

"The meteor is called the Moon Stone," Brocks says.

"Now that's romantic," Misty says.

"I remember Professor Oak told me that the Moon Stones are used to help some Pokemon evolve," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear a loud scream, waking the two Pokemon up.

Mew looks ahead, "Look! Over there!"

The group rushes over to see The group rushes to help the one who is in distress. Up ahead, a large flock of blue and purple color bats, known as Zubats, are attacking a man with short brown hair, wearing a lab coat and glasses. When Mew and her friends arrive, they see the man being attacked by Zubats.

"Those are Zubats," Mew says.

"They're attacking that guy!" Misty. says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says. "Zubat, the bat Pokemon. A Poison and Flying Type! This flying Pokemon with supersonic powers. Zubat lives in caves and hates to fly outside in daylight."

"Something is wrong, unless they have a trainer, Wild Zubats usually sleep in the day and hate sunlight," Mew says.

"We'll have to worry about that later, that guy needs help," Mew says.

"Right," Mew says with a nod.

Then she calls out, "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!"

Pikachu, who is standing on Mew's head, lights up his cheeks and electricity comes out. The man in trouble turns his head to see Mew and Pikachu. Pikachu jumps up and sends out a thunder shock to the bat Pokemon. They are electrocuted and they fly back into the cave. The man who is laying on the ground is still in pain from the attack.

Mew runs to the man holding Pikachu and Eevee and asks, "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, the man stands up and hugs Mew, "Wow! You guys were the greatest!"

"Really! It was nothing!" Mew muffles, being squished.

Same with Pikachu and Eevee, being sandwiched between his trainer and the man.

The man says in excitement, "I'm talking super fantabulistic! I mean, two thumbs up! Way up! The best rescue I've ever had!"

Unable to stand it, Pikachu lets out a Thunderbolt, electricity and both in the process. The man falls to the ground, but Mew isn't phased by it. Eevee however, does feel the attack.

The man stands up again and says, "They say that man's best friend is a Pokemon, and with those two, I believe it."

"Oh. That's nice," Mew replies.

The man happily says, "I'm so moved! Such friendship I thought I'd never see when the Zubat began attacking me. I thought I was done for, but who should arrive? Some heroes, thanks to whom, I'm alive!"

Then screams at the top of his lunges, "I'M ALIVE!"

His yell echoes through the mountain, "Thank you so much! Thank you!"

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