Episode 70: The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis

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One sunny day, somewhere in the forest outside of Pallet Town

Mew calls out, "Pikachu, Agility attack!"

Pikachu sprints forward.

Then Brock says, ""Then we'll use an Agility attack, too! Vulpix, go!"

Vulpix dashes forward.

As it turns out, Mew and Brock are having a Pokemon battle. Pikachu vs. Vulpix. Mew continues to have her training and Brock agrees to be her opponent. A good day to continue training for the Pokemon League. Meanwhile, Tomo is playing with Eevee, Meloetta, Skwovet, Togpei, and Pichu. Misty is fishing as she turns to see the battle.

Mew calls out, "Pikachu, Thunder Shock attack!"

Pikachu charges up for his attack, and fires it at Vulpix. Vulpix quickly dodges the attack.

"Vulpix, Flamethrower!" Brock calls out.

Vulpix charges for her Flamethrower as Pikachu charges for another attack.

However, a Pokemon appears between the battlefield. It's a shadow-like Pokémon holding a golden mask that has a face on it. It has two shadowy, tendril-like arms and large, red eyes. It also has a small tail-like appendage that holds the mask. This shocks Mew and Brock.

Mew cries out, "Pikachu, hold it!"

"Vulpix, deflect it!" Brock calls out.

Both Pokemon aim their attacks away from the Pokemon and to the wall, causing a big explosion. Meanwhile, in a different part of the area, a woman with short blue hair and a red headband, wearing archaeological clothes hears the explosion. There are also other men who are wearing the same outfits, hear it too.

A man asks, "Huh? What was that?"

"I'm not sure," The woman answers.

Back at the battle field, the explosion breaks the wall and the debris has fallen to the ground, and it seems to uncover some kind of structure.

"Wow, Pikachu. Your attacks are getting pretty strong," Mew says.

"Pika," (I guess.) Pikachu replies.

Mew kneels down and picks up the Pokemon that has been knocked down by the attacks.

"Are you okay? You should be more careful," Mew says.

The Pokemon looks at Mew and says, "Yamask. Yamask. (Sorry. I was just passing through.)

"That's okay, just be more careful, okay," Mew says.

"Yamask," (Okay.) The Pokemon says.

"What kind of Pokemon is that?" Misty asks.

"It's a Yamask. It's very rare to see them around here," Brock says.

"It looks cool," Tomo says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex, "Yamask, huh."

Then Dexter says, "Yamask, the Spirit Pokemon. A Ghost Type. The spirit of a person from a bygone age became this Pokémon. It rambles through ruins, searching for someone who knows its face. This Pokemon originated in the Unova Region."

"Neat," Tomo says.

Misty turns away from the others and says, "Looks like we accidentally uncovered something. But what?"

"Yeah," Mew says.

Brock walks to the ancient structure and says, " Looks like some kind of temple or something.

Brock moves some of the rocks and looks to find something inside, "Hey! Look at this!" and picks it up.

Misty, Mew, Tomo, and the Pokemon surround Brock and look at the object Brock has found. It's cylinder shape with two cones on both sides. It's a gold amber color with strange patterns on it. It also appears to have a blue gem or stone with a slot in the middle.

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