Episode 78: A Friend In Deed

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After being able to win all four of her matches, Mew and the others are heading back to Pokemon Village to celebrate the victory. Now that Mew and Gary have won their four matches, they can move on to the Indigo Stadium for their battles.

"Hey, I'm really hungry," Misty says.

"We should all have a big meal to celebrate you guys' big victories!" Brock says.

"Yeah. Let's eat out today and have some fun," Mew says.

Everyone else is excited as well. Once they reach the cabin, they see Adriana, Daisy, Professor Oak, Zeraora, and Gardevoir.

"Hi papa," Mew happily says and runs to Zeraora.

Zeraora walks over and the two instantly hug each other.

Mew turns to Gardevoir, "Hi Gardevoir."

"Gardevoir," (Hello.) Gardevoir says with a smile.

Adraiana walks to Gary and says, "Hi Gary."

"Hello," Professor Oak says.

"Hey mom. Hi sis. You too, grandpa," Gary says.

"I was quite impressed with the way you battled out there, Mew," Professor Oak says.

Adriana happily sas, "I'm so proud of you both."

"I am too. You both did a great job with your matches," Daisy says.

"Thanks," Mew and Gary say.

Then Adriana happily says, "You have to keep your strength up while you both compete, so I'm making your favorite meals for you.

"You are?" Mew and Gary say, confused.

Adriana laughs and says, "Leave that to me."

Later on, Mew and her friends arrive at the tallest building of Pokemon Village, more specifically on the tenth floor. Adriana is actually cooking up the storm in the kitchen for Mew and Gary, leaving the kitchen staff speechless.

Confused, the chef says, "Our customers, do not come here to cook."

"Well, maybe they should try it. Gary, Daisy, Mew! Dinner's almost ready!" Adriana says.

Everyone is practically sweating bullets to see this.

"We sure can't wait," Mew and Gary says, a little surprised.

"This is either gonna be very good or very bad," Misty says.

Daisy chuckles and says, "Trust me, my mom makes the best food."

In no time at all, everyone is seated at the table and amazed to see the food before them.

"Well, how does it look?" Adriana asks.

"It looks great!" Everyone answers.

Soon, everyone begins to eat dinner. Everyone, even the Pokemon are even enjoying it.

"These croquettes are excellent!" Brock says.

"No wonder the chef asked for the recipe!" Misty says.

"This food is the best," Tomo says.

"These are so good! Nobody cooks like you do," Mew says.

"Yeah. Mom, you're the best," Gary says.

"And use a napkin," Adriana says.

Professor Oak turns to Gary and Mew and asks, "You know, if you two win your next battles, you'll both be allowed to use up to six Pokémon per match. Have either of you decided which Pokémon you'll choose?"

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