Episode 63: Skwovet-ing Hunt

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On a bright morning in the Oak Corral, Mew and her friends are helping Professor Oak feed the Pokemon. Since there are plenty of Pokemon at the Corral, it takes some time to feed them. Mew and the gang along with the Pokemon are each pushing a wagon of Pokemon food to give to the Pokemon.

"Wow! I never expected to carry this much Pokemon food," Misty says.

"That's true, but Professor Oak watches over the Pokemon for their trainers, including mine," Mew says.

"And the Pokemon need to eat, and I think there are more than plenty for them," Brock says.

Tomo says, "I can't wait."

"I'm sure the Pokemon are going to love it," Brock says.

"I agree," Mew happily says.

Soon, Mew and the others pass many of the Pokemon their Pokemon food. They place the bowl of Pokemon food on the ground or in the trees. Unknown to the group, as they give the Pokemon their food, something is hiding in the bushes, and wiggles it's small nose, and has its eyes on the food.

After hours of feeding the Pokemon, Mew and the others are resting under the tree close to the research center.

"Phew, that was a lot of work," Mew says.

"I'm tuckered out," Misty says, laying on her back with Togepi on her stomach.

"Toge Toge Togepriii!" (Tired Tired Tired!) Togepi happily says.

Misty turns to Mew, "How were you able to do it when you used to live here?"

"Well, I did have a little trouble at first, but it became fun. I love taking care of the Pokemon who live here. Even my friends from the forest," Mew says.

"But you also like to play with them. I like to play with the Pokemon in the forest too," Tomo happily says.

"I agree," Mew says.

Brock then asks, "So Mew, what Pokemon are you planning on training next?"

"I'm not sure yet," Mew says.

"As of now, Silcoon and Kakuna look like they're going to evolve very soon," Mew says, pointing to the tree.

The others look up to see Silcoon and Kakuna are flashing a glow.

"Yep. They look like they'll evolve very soon," Misty says.

Then Tomo asks, "So what Pokemon they'll evolve too."

"Well, we know that Kakuna will evolve into Beedrill," Mew says, and takes out her Pokedex.

She then logs into Beedrill's information and Dexter says, "Beedrill, the Poison Bee Pokemon, the evolved form of Kakuna. A Bug and Poison Type. Its legs have become poison stingers. It stabs its prey repeatedly with the stingers on its limbs, dealing the final blow with the stinger on its rear."

"Yeah. I'm still a little uneasy about Beedrill," Misty says.

"What about Silcoon?" Tomo asks.

Mew logs into Sillcoon's evolved form, and Dexter says, "Beautifly, the Butterfly Pokemon, and the evolved form of Silcoon. A Bug and Flying Type. Beautifly is recognized by the distinctive colorful pattern on its wings. Sweet flower nectar is its favorite food."

The others look at the Pokedex to see that Silcoon's evolved form is beautiful. It's a butterfly-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings. It has large blue eyes and black antennae with rounded tips. Its face, underside, and four stubby limbs are gray, while the rest of its body is black. The main body of its wings are black with large, yellow markings, and smaller red and blue markings. The upper pair of wings are larger and have a line of yellow along the top edge, while each of the lower wings have a long, round-tipped extension on the bottom.

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