Episode 48: Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden

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Mew and her friends continue their travels to get to Cinnabar Island where the Cinnabar Gym is to get her seventh badge. However, Mew is battling with another trainer.

The trainer calls out, "Rhyhorn, I choose you!"

"Bulbasaur, I choose you!" Mew calls out.

Both trainers throw their Pokeballs and both Pokemon materialize.

The trainer calls out, "Rhyhorn, Take Down, now!"

Rhyhorn then charges as the earth begins to shake. Misty and the others also feel the attack as well. Even the Pokemon felt the quake.

"It feels like an earthquake!" Misty says.

"A really big one," Tomo says.

Brock hangs on to a tree and panics, "Get out of the way! Rhyhorn's Take Down move is like getting hit by a tank!"

"Bulbasaur, dodge! Then use, Leech Seed!" Mew calls out.

But before Bulbasaur can do anything, it's hit by the horn.

"Bulbasaur!" Mew exclaims.

"Oh no!" Brock panics.

"That Rhyhorn must be at a high level!" Misty adds

Bulbasaur struggles to get up, and it has a bad lump on its head.

Seeing her Pokemon hurt, Mew brings out her Pokeball, "Bulbasaur, return!"

Mew ries to call back Bulbasaur, but it dodges.

Bulbasaur says, "Bulbasaur Saur." (I can still battle. I still can.)

"What? You still want to battle?" Mew asks, shocked.

"Bulbasaur's determined not to give up the battle till it wins," Brock says.

"Okay, if you're sure," Mew calls out.

"Bulbasaur," (I'm sure.) Bulbasaur says, nodding its head.

The trainer then signals Rhyhorn so it will charge for the final attack.

Pikachu calls out, "Pika! (Bulbasaur!)

"Eevee!" (Take it down!) Eevee calls out.

"You can do it, Bulbasaur! Razor Leaf!" Mew calls out.

Bulbasaur performs the attack and it lands on Rhyhorn.

Then Mew calls out, "Now, use Vine Whip!"

Then Bulbasaur performs Vine Whip making Rhyhorn spin and finally, falls to the ground.

The trainer gasps in shock, "Rhyhorn!"

"Alright!" Mew happily says.

"You sure chopped me down to size, kid. Your Bulbasaur's great!" The trainer says.

"Thanks. Your Rhyhorn isn't so bad, either," Mew happily says.

Seeing the battle, Brock says, "Bulbasaur can never settle for being second best, can it, Ash?"

"All of Mew's Pokemon are really stubborn, just like Mew is," Misty says.

"Chu? Vee?" (Stubborn?) Piachu and Eevee say, confused.

Mew then picks up Bulbasaur and says, "You were great Bulbasaur, but I think it's good for you to get that bump fixed up."

"Bulba..." (Sure.) Bulbasaur answers, but feels tired.

Noticing it, Mew asks, "Are you okay Bulbasaur? Are you sick?"

Pikachu rushes over and asks, "Pikachu?" (You okay?)

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