Episode 77: The Fourth Round Rumble

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The Pokemon League at the Indigo Plateau continues on as the fourth round matches continue. Today, Mew and her friends are at the Rock Field for an important match. Gary is competing against a trainer named Melissa to decide which one of them will be the winner. And each has only one Pokemon left. Gary is using Nidoking and Melissa is using Golem.

The announcer says, "Now, Gary and Melissa are down to just one Pokémon each! Whoever wins this battle wins the match!"

"Could Gary win?" Misty asks.

"That Melissa's pretty tough," Brock says.

Mew looks at the battle stadium with a serious look, "Come on Gary, I know you can do it."

Melissa calls out, "Golem, use Stone Edge!"

Golem then begins to perform the attack.

"Quick Nidoking, use Brick Break!" Gary calls out.

Nidoking then uses Brick Break to break through the Stone Edge attacks.

Melissa calls out, "Now use Rollout!"

Golem then rolls into a ball and speed rolls towards Nidoking.

"Grab the Rollout!" Gary calls out.

With that, Nidoking grabs the Rollout and the rollout is still in process from Golem.

"Now, give it the Seismic Toss!" Gary calls out.

Nidoking then jumps in the air and performs the Seismic Toss, sending Golem crashing into the ground with a large thud. Nidoking lands on the ground as two trainers watch to see what happens. When the smoke clears, Golem is knocked out, cold.

The referee calls the result, "This battle goes to Gary!"

Everyone cheers and confetti begins to fall.

The announcer says, "He's done it! After a grueling battle, Gary Oak has won a last minute upset over Melissa for his fourth Pokémon League victory!

Mew happily cheers, "Yay!"

Gary sighs in relief to see the results. For a minute, he actually thinks he isn't going to make it.

After the match, Mew and the others arrive to greet and congratulate him.

"Congratulations Gary," Mew happily says, and gives him a hug.

Gary laughs and says, "Thanks. But getting past the four rounds is only part of it."

"I remember. I'm just happy to see you won your four matches," Mew says.

"Don't forget, you still have one more match to get to the Indigo Stadium. So how are the other friends?" Gary asks.

"We're doing fine. A.J, Otoshi, Joe, and even Nurse Joy from Fuchsia City also made it past their rounds as well," Mew says.

"Great. I assume your last round is at the Grass Field," Gary says.

"That's right," Mew says.

Mist then says, "Then we better hurry. It's going to start soon."

"Right," Mew says with a nod.

Meanwhile, near the entrance to the Grass Field, Team Rocket is doing another money making plan. They've set up a souvenir stand.

Jessie and James say, "Thank you for shopping with us!"

James turns to Jessie, "Everything is selling out!"

"Our souvenir stand's a big success!" Jessie happily says.

Meowth comes out from the back tent and says, "I hope you two entrepreneurs don't forget that we originally came here to swipe a pack of Pokémon, not to sell a bunch of Poke-junk!"

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