Episode 17: Tentacool and Tentacruel

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On a bright sunny day on Porta Vista, Mew along with her friends are watching the ocean.

"Blue skies," Mew comments

"White clouds," Brock comments.

Then Misty comments, "And sea as far as you can see."

Mew notices a ship coming by, "I wish that ship could take us off this island."

Mew and her friends are still stuck on Porta Vista because they missed the boat, and it will be another three hours until the next faerie comes.

Suddenly, Pikachu notices something out at sea and calls out, "Pika! Chu! Chu!" (Hey! Look! Look!)

"Eevee Eevee," (There's something over there.) Eevee says, noticing it too.

Misty looks out and notices, "Oh, look! It's a Horsea! How cute!"

"Huh? Where?" Mew wonders, looking around.

Soon, the group notices the Pokemon out in the water. The Pokemon is a small blue color sea horse Pokemon with red eyes and a yellow underbelly and fins on the side.

"It is. And it's cute," Mew says.

She takes out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Horsea, the Dragon Pokemon. A Water Type. In this unique Pokemon species, thousands of eggs hatch every spring, and then the male raises them himself.

Suddenly, Brock notices, "It looks like it's injured!"

Mew and the others look to see the injured Horsea as well, it has a black eye.

"And there's no Pokemon Center around here," Misty says.

"Maybe we can get one of our water Pokemon to help it. My Ponyta knows Heal Pulse, and we can also give it first aid," Mew says.

Suddenly, Horsea squirts out some ink and makes two pictures.

"Hmm, it looks like it's trying to tell us something," Mew says.

"Well I have to treat it's wound first. I'll see if Vaporeon can bring it over," Misty says.

Suddenly an explosion occurs. Everyone quickly turns to sea to see one of the ships explode and is catching on fire.

"Oh no! The boat!" Brock panics.

All the sailors are abandoning ship, and jumping into the water.

"What just happened?" Mew asks.

"We gotta act fast! My water Pokemon can help those people! Staryu, Starmie, Goldeen, Vaporeon, Golduck, Magikarp, go!" Misty calls out, throwing her Pokeballs.

Mew brings out her Pokeballs, "Squirtle, Poliwhirl, Gyarados, you help out too.

With that, all the Water Pokemon are off to the rescue.

"Come on, let's go find a boat," Brock says.

"Right," The girls reply.

The Water Pokemon begin to rescue the sailors one by one. Soon, Mew and the others are on a boat so the sailors can be carried to safety.

Misty calls out, "This way! Carry them all to our boat!"

Soon enough, Mew and her friends and the Pokemon are able to rescue everyone. Horsea watches the whole thing and is worried what might happen next.

The sailor is petrified and says, "It's terrible! Terrible!"

"He looks like he's paralyzed," Brock says.

"I think it is. It's possible that he might have been attacked by a Pokemon if he's this paralyzed," Mew says.

Then Mew turns to the sailor and asks, "What happened to you out there?

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