Episode 23: Pokemon Scent-sation

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Mew and her friends arrive in Celadon City, it's known as a great metropolis renowned both for its tall buildings and it's good scent. Mew and her friends are amazed to find themselves in a large city.

Pikachu then sniffs, "Pika!" (Smell that!)

"Eevee," (I do.) Eeve says.

Brock catches a whiff of it too, "Something smells heavenly!"

Mew catches the scent too, "Me too. It smells nice."

"Perfume," Misty confirms.

Soon, Brock begins to follow the scene.

"Wait, Brock! Where are you going?!" Mew calls out.

Mew and the others follow Brock to see him having his face pressed against the window.

"Who are you making faces at, Brock?" Mew asks.

"My nose tells me that this is my kind of town!" Brock says.

They look inside to see the pretty girls in the store.

One of the girls say, "So, then he says 'maybe we can both go together.'"

"I think we should stay here a while," Brock says, totally stuck in fantasy land.

Mew giggles and walks inside with Pikachu and Eevee. She also notices Misty is already talking with the employees.

One of them says, "This scent is one of our most popular. It's called, 'Daffodil Dream.'

The employee sprays a bit on Misty's wrist, and she sniffs the scene.

She happily says, "It smells just like a garden."

Misty looks to see Mew and says, "Hey Mew, come and smell this."

"Okay," Mew says.

Mew sniffs the scent and sighs with a smile, "It's very nice. Like a field of flowers."

Pikachu and Eevee sniff the scent as well and they happily like it.

"We're having a fragrance sale," The other employee says.

"How much does this one cost?" Misty asks.

Then turns to Mew, "You should get some too."

"I suppose. Adriana and Daisy did show me perfume, but I never have one of my own," Mew says.

"Why not get some for yourself. Even though you live with Pokemon. I girl gotta smell nice," Misty says.

"I suppose. But I'm not a perfume expert, so I wouldn't know which I should get," Mew replies.

"Would you like some help," A female voice says.

The group turns their heads to see a young woman wearing a blur and red kimono with pink flower petals on it. She has black hair in a bun with some yellow accessories and green eyes.

"Hello Manager," The employee says.

"Hello ma'am. My name is Mew, and my Pokemon Pikachu and Eevee," Mew says.

"My name is Misty," Misty says.

Suddenly, Brock comes over, "And I'm Brock, and I have to say you are very lovely and the performance in this shop smells just as sweet as you are. Maybe you and I can go out for lunch and talk about your sweetness."

Confused, Mew asks, "Um Misty, do you think the perfume made him act even more goofy with girls?"

"I don't know about perfume, but Brock is acting goofier than usual," Misty says.

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