Episode 6: Water Flowers of Cerulean City

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Continuing on their way to Cerulean City, Mew and her friends continue to walk on the trail to

Mew stretches her arms and says, "It sure is a nice day, today."

"Yeah. Of course, while we're here relaxing, Gary is catching more Pokemon," Brock says.

"That's true, but there's nothing wrong with relaxing once in a while," Mew says.

Mew turns to her Pokemon, "Right guys."

"Pika," (Yeah.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (That's for sure.) Eevee says.

Suddenly, Brock notices something that he should have a long time ago. He has wondered about it, but now comes to a shocking realization.

"Wait a minute! You can understand Pokemon?!" Brock asks, shocked.

Mew, Misty, and the Pokemon come to a stop, and realize they have forgotten to tell Brock about it.

"Uh, yeah. I actually can. We're sorry we never mentioned it, but it slipped our minds. Are you mad?" Mew replies, feeling sheepish.

Brock shows a serious expression. Suddenly, he brings out a pad and pencil, "Please explain!"

Then Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee fall over disbelief.

Misty says, dumbfounded, "At least Brock has taken an interest in it."

"Oh... well... where do I start," Mew says, embarrassed.

The group decides to take the conversation on the road. Brock asks multiple questions about Mew's gift to understand Pokemon. Mew then explains to him about her life from beginning to end. She also tells them how she ends up with the name Mew. She also explains how Eevee and her are close like sisters. From the start of her life with Pokemon to her beginning a life with Professor Oak is an amazing story for Brock and Misty to hear.

"That's really amazing. You were raised by Pokemon and able to understand and learn from them," Brock says.

"Yeah. and your Papa sounds like a cool Pokemon. Do you have a picture?" Misty replies.

"Yeah," Mew says,

Mew then brings out the photo. Brock and Misty look to see the photo of Mew with Zeraora, Eevee, Professor Oak, Gary, Daisy, and Andraia.

"Wow! Your Papa looks so cool," Misty says.

"And a very rare Pokemon, and Eevee is with you too. No wonder you two are close," Brock says.

"Yeah. This photo was taken a year after Professor Oak and Gary found me," Mew says.

"Aww, you look like a very happy family," Misty says.

"And it's amazing to see a rare Pokemon like your dad. And that you were named after Mew, the Mythical Pokemon," Brock says.

"And It's cute," Misty says.

Then asks, "So remind me where we're going?"

"Cerulean City," Mew answers.

Misty suddenly panics, "Cerulean City?! What are you going there for?!"

"Well, the guide book said there's a Pokemon Gym specializing in Water Types, and I plan to get a badge there. Plus, I like to transfer some of the Pokemon to Professor Oak, and give my Eggs a check up," Mew says.

Still skeptic, Misty says, "Uh Mew. You don't want Pokemon from there, trust me."

"Why?" Mew asks, confused.

"Because they're all..." Misty answers.

"All what?" Mew asks.

"Very scary Ghost Pokemon that look like this," Misty answers.

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