Episode 50: The Ultimate Test

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One day, everyone happily shouts, "Let's eat!"

And soon, everyone begins to eat their sandwiches.

Misty then asks, "You know, you haven't gotten a badge in a long time, Ash. You think you'll ever get another one?"

Mew swallows her sandwich and says, "Well, it's still far to get to Cinnabar Island, so probably not for a while. With all the trainers I've been battling as of late, I've been gaining skills, especially. And you've been helping me train my Water Type Pokemon too."

"That's true. But excluding me and the other trainers, how much skill does it take to beat Team Rocket?" Misty replies.

Mew giggles, "Yeah. They don't do well in battling, especially with us."

"So I guess you'll be using Water Type Pokemon for the Cinnabar Gym," Todd says.

"Yeah. Cinnabar Island is a Fire Type gym so Misty has been helping me with my Water Pokemon," Mew says.

"So which you're going to choose?" Brock asks.

"I haven't decided yet," Mew says.

Suddenly, Todd has an idea, "Hey Mew, why don't you just get yourself admitted?"

"Uh, admitted?" Mew says, confused.

"Take the Pokémon League Admissions Exam," Todd says.

"The Pokémon League..." Mew says, confused.

"Admissions Exam?" Misty adds, just as confused.

"Pika?" (What's that?) Pikachu asks.

"Togepi?" (What is it?) Togepi asks.

"Eevee?" (What is it?) Eevee asks.

"So what is it?" Mew asks.

"It's a place where people are able to take an exam and those who pass get to be admitted to the Pokemon League. You seem to know a lot about Pokemon, so I think you can pass the test with no trouble," Todd says.

"It sounds kind of boring. I like to travel to gather badges and have battles," Mew says, not very impressed.

"Maybe you should give it a try?" Misty suggests.

"You can learn more about being a trainer that way, and probably learn more about Pokemon," Brock says.

"I think you'll do great," Tomo says.

Mew thinks a bit and says, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

Mew and the others follow Todd to the Pokemon League Admissions Center for the Admissions test. There, they meet with the Head Instructor of the course.

"Here at the Pokemon League Admissions Center, we evaluate applicants based on the combined written and practical skills exam. And those who pass receive this badge," The Head instructor says.

Then holds a badge saying, "Qualifying them for the Pokemon League."

Mew and the others are in awe to see the badge.

"Take this," The instructor says and gives Mew a tag that has the number seven on it. "It's your testing number."

"Thank you," Mew says, taking the tag.

Suddenly, someone says in distress, "Oh no! I wanted number seven!"

Mew places the tag on her shirt, but notices a stranger watching her. She turns her head to see the person. When the stranger notices her, she sheepishly turns to her paper so she can fill it out.

She says as she writes, "Age, seventeen. Profession, diva."

Mew thinks, "Is that Jessie from Team Rocket? What is she doing here?"

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