Episode 26: The Punchy Pokemon

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One bright and sunny day out on the road. There are large canyons far ahead and the road is between grassy areas that has rocks, trees and bushes. Running down the road is a Pokemon. It's a tan, humanoid Pokémon that is exclusively male and has no female counterpart. There are five blunt protrusions on top of its head, and it has structures resembling pads over its shoulders. It appears to be wearing a light purple tunic and kilt, as well as red boxing gloves and light purple boxing shoes. The Pokemon continues to jog on the road until it comes to a stop and practices its air punch.

Suddenly, a young girl peeks out from behind the tree to see the Pokemon. She looks very worried about something.

Suddenly, Mew's voice catches her attention, "Wow! Look at that!"

The young girl quickly hides behind the tree. At the same time, Mew and the others arrive to see the Pokemon.

"It's a wild Hitmonchan!" Mew says, amazed.

"So that's one of those fighting Pokemon I've heard about," Misty says.

"That one's a real fighter!" Brock says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Hitmonchan, the Punching Pokemon. A Fighting Type. The skilled fighting Pokemon that packs an incredibly fast punch."

"This Hitmonchan is very pumped up. I wonder what's it up to," Brock says.

Mew steps forward, "Let's go ask."

Mew walks to Hitmonchan and asks, "Hi Hitmonchan, I see you're practicing. Is something special going on?"

"Hit Hitmonchan. Hit Hitmon Hitmon Hitmonchan Hitmonchan. Hitmon Hitmonchan," (There is. I'm training with my trainer for a Fighting competition called the P1 Grand Prix. And we plan to win it.) Hitmonchan answers.

"I see," Mew says.

Brock asks, "So what did Hitmonchan say?"

"Hitmonchan said that he and his trainer are training for a fighting competition called the P1 Grand Prix," Mew says.

"So this Hitmonchan isn't wild," Misty says.

"I wonder who this Hitmonchan belongs to," Brock says.

Suddenly, another Pokemon arrives on the scene. The Pokemon is a small humanoid Pokémon with a predominantly pale purple body and brown hips and feet that resemble short pants and shoes. It has three blunt protrusions on top of its head, yellow eyes, and circular sections on each side of its head that resemble protective padding. There are white bands resembling bandages on its torso and wrists. It has thin limbs, and its hands have three fingers each.

The Pokemon says, "Tyrogue Tyrogue Tyrogue." (Alright, I'm ready for another battle.)

"Hitmon?" (You sure you're ready?) Hitmonchan asks.

"Tyrogue Ty," (Of course I'm ready.) The Pokemon says.

Soon, the battle begins to break out, Hitmonchan throws a few punches at the little Pokemon, but the little Pokemon fights back with a Fake out attack. As the two Pokemon fight, Mew and her friends stand and watch.

"What kind of Pokemon is that?" Misty asks.

"I think it's a Tyrogue," Mew says.

"It's a Tyrogue alright, but they originated in the Johto Region," Brock says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Tyrogue, the Scuffle Pokemon. A Fighting Type. Even though it is small, it can't be ignored because it will slug any handy target without warning."

"If I remember correctly, Tyrogue is also the pre-evolved form of a Hitmonchan," Mew says.

"Right. Tyroge has a three way branch evolution. Depending on how Tyrogue is raised it can evolve to a Hitmonlee or Hitomonchan of the Kanto. In Johto, it can also evolve into Hitmontop," Brock says.

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