Episode 61: Make Room For Gloom

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One bright morning, Mew and the others are at Professor Oak's lab, mainly because Mew is currently living with him. Misty, Mew, Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, Togepi, and Meloetta are at the table as Brock finishes cooking breakfast.

"Two eggs, sunny side down for Mew. Two Scrambled for Tomo. And my super secret recipe mystery omelet for Misty," Brock says.

"Oooh! Thanks, Brock!" Misty happily says.

"Thank you," Tomo replies.

After serving everyone their breakfast and making some for himself. Mew and the others begin eating their breakfast.

"So Mew, are you planning on starting with some training today?" Misty asks.

"Sure am. I got to get my Pokemon prepared for the Pokemon League. Plus, I should also make sure to spend some time with them," Mew says.

"That's true," Brock says.

"So Which Pokemon do you want to train first?" Tomo asks.

"Hmm, well, since we're going to head to the forest close to the mountains for training, I'm thinking of training with my Grass Types, Bug Types, and Ground types. I also like to give younger Pokemon some training too," Mew says.

"Good idea," Misty says.

"Well then, after we're done having breakfast, let's head over to the mountains and begin training," Mew happily says.

Sometime later, Mew and the others head off to the woods, and Mew is already training with her Pokemon. Misty volunteers to be her opponent for the battle. They're doing a training session with three Pokemon each. Mew has Axew, Roserade, and Ledyba who is against Misty who has Snover, Ducklett, and little Mudkip.

Mew calls out, "Alright Axew, use Scratch."

Axew then uses Scratch on Mudkip.

"Mudkip, use Water Gun!" Misty calls out.

Young Mudkip then uses Water Gun, and Axew quickly dodge the attack.

"Roserade, use Magical Leaf!" Mew calls out.

"Snover, use Powder Snow!" Misty calls out.

Both Pokemon perform the attack and collide with one another. The Magical Leaf ends up getting frozen by the Powder Snow.

Misty calls out, "Ducklett, use Water Gun!"

Ducklett then performs Water Gun.

"Ledyba, dodge! Then use Psybeam!" Mew calls out.

Ledyba first dodges the attack. Then performs Psybeam at Ducklett, which is right on target.

As the training session continues, the others watch the girls, even the little ones.

"Mew and her Pokemon are training hard today," Brock says.

"Yeah," Tomo says.

The two girls continue to train their Pokemon to help Mew and her Pokemon train for the Pokemon League.

"That was great training," Misty says.

"Yeah. I think it's time for a switch," Mew says.

Mew and Misty call back their Pokemon who are getting tired

Misty turns her head and notices, "what's that thing?

The group turn their heads to notice a large glass dome from the distance and over the trees. Soon, the group approaches it.

"It's gigantic!" Misty says.

"Looks like a greenhouse," Brock replies.

"I think this place is the Xanadu Nursery. Adriana, Gary, and I used to come here all the time. I'm surprised it's still in business. The man who owned it moved away a long time ago. I wonder who runs the place now," Mew says.

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