Episode 54: Beach Blank-Out Blastoise

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After winning a Volcano Badge from the Cinnabar Gym, Mew and the others are in a drastic rush to the ferry that will leave Cinnabar Island to get back to the mainland. They run as fast as they can because it's the last ferry off the island.

Misty calls out, "Wait! Don't leave without us!"

"Stop the boat!" Mew calls out.

The group hurries down the stairs and runs to the beach.

Mew continues to call out, "Hold on! We're coming! Hey! Hold that boat!"

"Wait for us!" Tomo adds.

The group continues to run as fast as they can. Suddenly, a Pokemon rushes in Mew's way and the girl bumps into it. Soon after, Brock sets the Pokemon up so that it's spinning. The Pokemon is a bipedal, indigo Pokémon similar to a turtle. It has brown eyes, a dark blue streak on each cheek, and two sharp teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers and pointed toes. On each side of its head are feather-like ears covered in pale blue fur. A brown shell with a pale yellow underside encases its body. A thick, white rim separates the upper and lower halves of the shell. Poking out of the bottom of the shell is a thick, wavy tail that also has light blue fur.

"Are you okay?" Misty asks.

Mew sits up, "I'm okay, but what did I trip on?"

"Wow, a Wartortle. Talk about your rare Pokemon!" Brock says.

Mew turns to see the Turtle Pokemon who is very dizzy, "It is a Wartortle."

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Wartortle, the Turtle Pokemon and the evolved form of Squirtle. A Water Type. It's long, furry tail is a symbol of its age and wisdom."

Wartortle begins to talk in a panic. However, Wattle is talking so fast that it's hard to understand what Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, and Tomo are saying."

"What's it saying?" Misty asks.

"Not sure. Wartortle is talking so fast in a panic that it's hard to understand," Mew says.

Pikachu taps on to one of Mew's Pokeball, "Pika Pika"! (Come out, Squirtle!)

Then Squirtle comes out of his Pokeball.

"Wartortle Wartortle Wartortle." (There's trouble going on at our island home.) Wartortle panics.

"Squirtle?!" (What?!) Squirtle exclaims.

"Wartortle Wartortle." (All of my friends are in trouble,) Wartortle adds.

"Squirtle," (I see.) Squrtle says.

"Wartortle Wartortle Wartortle," (I need you and your friends to come to the island.)" Wartortle says.

"Squirtle," (Understood.) Squirtle says.

He then takes out his old Squirtle Squad sunglasses.

"Hey! It's a pair of Squirtle Squad sunglasses!" Mew says, surprised.

"We haven't seen those in a while," Brock says.

"Squirtle Squad sunglasses?" Tomo says, confused.

"That's right, it happened before we met you, Tomo," Misty says.

Squirtle then puts on his sunglasses and dives into the water with Wartortle.

Mew turns to her friends, "Wartortle said that his friends are in trouble on the island where she lives."

"If that's the case, there must be trouble," Brock says.

"Let's grab a boat and follow them!" Mew says.

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