Episode 32: The Legend of Dratini

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Mew and her friends continue to travel down the road to reach their next Destination, the Safari Park. They now have Tomo, a young boy who is raised and can understand Pokemon like Mew does. The group continues their travel to see that it is a beautiful sunny day. Soon, they arrive at the Safari Zone Gate and a building next to it. They suspect this is where they need to go to get the items they need.

"Is this Safari Zone Park?" Tomo asks.

"It sure is, and we finally made it," Mew says.

"I can't wait to see the kind of Pokemon that could be living there," Misty says.

"And it sure is a very nice day," Brock says.

"It sure is. It's a perfect day to go to the Safari Park," Mew happily says.

"Pika Pi," (Nice and sunny.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee." (I agree.) Eevee says.

"Let's go talk to the Warden of the Park and get the supplies," Brock says.

"Good idea," Misty says.

The group walks inside to meet with an old man who has gray color hair. He wears a blue shirt with a black tie, a brown vest with matching shoes, and peach color pants. As Mew and her friends walk inside, she notices the man has a frown on his face, but can tell he is also sad.

Mew says, "Hello sir. My friends and I would like to go to the Safari Zone."

The man looks at the group with a frown and says, "I am Kaiser, the warden here at the Safari Zone."

"Hello," Mew says.

"Hi," Misty says.

"Nice to meet you," Brock says.

"Hi," Tomo replies.

"Is it just the four of you?" The man, Kaiser asks.

"Yep. Four people and two Pokemon present.

Kaiser simply nods his head and turns his head away as he gathers the supplies. The group looks at each other with skeptic expressions. Then Kaiser brings out a bucket that has Safari Balls and a fishing rod.

"Wow! These are Safari Zone balls? I have never seen them before," Mew says.

"These Safari balls and this fishing rod are all you can use in the Safari Zone. No other Pokeballs are permitted," Kaiser says.

"Okay," Mew replies with a nod.

Mew takes the bucket of Pokeballs while Brock takes the fishing poles. While getting the supplies, Misty and Tomo are looking at the photos.

Soon Misty notices one particular photo, "Hey, isn't this a Dratini?"

Curious, Mew and Brock decide to look for themselves. They look at the photo to see a small Pokemon. It's a serpentine Pokémon with a blue body and a white underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a white bump on its forehead. Above its round, white snout are oval, purple eyes. It also has a four pointed star on it's white bump.

"Aww. Isn't it adorable," Mew says.

"It's so cute," Misty says.

Misty notices, "Isn't that Kaiser in the photo with it?"

"He looks so young, so it must have been a long time ago when this photo was taken," Misty says.

"Is Dratini still here?" Tomo asks.

"Probably. Then again, this photo was taken a very long time ago," Brock says.

"Yeah. Dratini probably evolved by now," Mew says.

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