Episode 22: Primeape Goes Bananas

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One day at Professor Oak's lab in Pallet Town, Professor Oak is having a cup of tears as he watches the Pokemon living their Pokemon lives.

He sighs with a smile, "Ah. Nothing like a cup of tea to start off the day." And let out a chuckle.

Just then, he hears his video phone ringing.

He turns his head and says, "Oh. Thanks a lot, Krabby."

He turns his head to see Krabby holding the video phone.

"Good morning professor," Mew says.

"Good morning, Mew. I was just wondering when you might be calling. You have some good news?" Professor Oak says.

"I sure do!" Mew says.

Then reveals her badges, "Look at this! Pretty impressive, huh? I've already earned four badges! And I've got two new Pokemon."

Just then Axew appears on Mew's shoulder, "Axew," (Hello)

Cleffa then appears on the other shoulder, "Cleffa," (Hi.)

"An Axew, that is very rare around these parts. And it looks very young too. And I assume the Pokemon Egg finally hatched," Professor Oak says.

"Yeah. It's a bit of a long story, but Axew is very happy being with me, my Pokemon, and my friends. And Cleffa is very sweet and curious too. They both feel like they're part of the family," Mew says.

"That's good. I just found out this morning that your other two rivals have earned five badges each, including Gary. They all passed through Celadon City, too," Professor Oak says.

"I see. We're actually on our way to Celadon City now for my next Gym Battle," Mew says.

"Well then better hurry up. You don't want to fall behind. And Gary has already captured thirty Pokemon," Professor Oak says.

"Thirty Pokemon, huh?" Mew replies.

Then asks, "So how are my other Pokemon doing?"

"They're all doing fine," Professor Oak says.

Then Krabby appears on the screen.

Mew smiles and says, "Krabby! How ya doing?"

"We've become very good friends. We especially enjoy teatime, and writing poetry. And some of it's not that bad, either," Professor Oak says.

Then recite a poem, "Sure. Every day it's cake and tea, just my Pokemon and me. Like it?"

Mew blushes a bit and says, "I don't know very much about poetry."

"Now, listen, Mew, writing poetry is a lot like Pokemon training. I can't write a good poem without rhymes. And you can't be a good trainer without catching more Pokemon. Have to go now. The tea's getting cold," Professor Oak says.

"Bye Professor," Mew says.

Then the professor hangs up the phone.

Close by, Misty, Pikachu, Scorebunny, Sobble, and Eevee are having some rice balls. That's when Mew walks by.

"Hey Mew, glad you're back. Have a rice ball or a donut," Misty says.

"Pika Pika!" (They're really tasty!) Pikachu says.

"These donuts are great! Jelly-filled are my favorite! Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut!" Brock says.

"Eevee!" (Yeah!) Eevee says, eating one of the donuts.

"Sure," Mew says.

Mew picks up a jelly donut while Axew takes a rice ball and Cleffa takes a donut.

"So how was your talk with Professor Oak?" Misty asks.

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