Episode 69: To Master the Onixpected!

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There's still weeks before the Pokemon League can take place. Even though Mew is doing her best to get some training done for the Pokemon League, she along with her friends are doing their best to get back to Pallet Town after the little fiasco that Team Rocket has gotten them into. Mew and her friends continue to walk down the trail.

Misty sighs, "I can't believe Team Rocket has sent us far from Pallet Town."

"You have to admit, Team Rocket really got us into a jam this time," Mew says.

"Pika pi," (You said it.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (I agree.) Eevee says.

Soon, Tomo says, "Hey Mew, I'm getting kind of hungry."

"Loetta," (Me too.) Meloetta says.

"Skwovet, (Me three.) Skwovet says.

"I guess we can all use something to eat. I wonder where we're at right now," Brock says.

Mew looks at her Pokenav and says, "According to the map, we're still way away from Pallet Town, but it appears we're heading towards Mt. Hideaway. I remember going there a few times with papa when I was little, and there's supposed to be a giant Onix supposed to live there."

"A giant Onix?" Brock says, curious.

"Yeah. Many of them live here, but I remember papa told me there was supposed to be an especially big one with scars on its face," Mew says.

"I sure hope we don't run into that Onix," Misty says, concerned.

"Don't worry, we won't have too much trouble. Some of the Onix and other Pokemon who live there I've known of and they won't do anything unless someone provokes them. Besides, it's basically our only path to Pallet Town unless you want to go the long way," Mew says.

"Well I guess we don't have too many options," Misty says.

"Up the mountain we go," Brock says.

Sometime later, Mew and her friends arrived at a rest area. The group is feeling a bit tired.

"That sure was a lot of walking. I feel kind of dandy right now," Misty says.

"And I'm starving," Brock says.

"Me too," Tomo says.

"I feel good after a little climb," Mew says.

Soon, the keeper of the rest area, an elderly woman, wearing a pink and blue color kimono and apron comes out with drinks and snacks on the tray.

With a smile, the keeper says, "Well, here we are."

"Thank you ma'am," Misty says.

With that, the group takes the drinks and begins to drink the beverages.

"You're welcome. I heard tell of a trio wandering rascals convorting with Pokémon in these parts, and they could be the varmints that keep stealing my muskrat meatballs," The keeper says.

She looks down to notice the meatballs are gone, and is shocked, "Those rascals! I can't figure..."

However, it reveals that the group has taken the meatballs and are eating them.

"These are pretty tasty!" Mew says.

"Just the right amount of muskrat," Brock says.

"They taste good," Tomo says.

Misty questions, "How hungry do you have to be to eat muskrat meatballs?"

Soon, they group and the keeper hear a sound coming from behind the station.

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