Episode 79: Friends to the End: Mew Vs. Ritchie

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Not long ago, Mew, Gary, and the other trainers had to choose who they're battling against. When Mew turns and fishes out the choice of her battle, she ends up battling her new friend, Ritchie. Even though they plan to give it their all, Mew is still feeling skeptical about battling a new friend.

Later that night, Mew is looking at the moon and stars with a sigh.

Tomo walks over and asks, "Still a little skeptical about battling Ritchie?"

"I bit. I'm glad that Ritchie and I are planning to give our best, but for my first battle, I have to battle him," Mew says.

Suddenly, Misty calls out, "Hey, Mew, check this out."

Mew, Tomo, and the Pokemon turn to see Misty on the computer.

Mew asks, "What are you doing?"

"I clicked on the Pokemon League database, and it has lots of information about all the trainers, including Ritchie," Misty says.

"Something about Ritchie?" Mew asks, walking over.

Tomo and the others walk over to a peek.

On the computer, they can see all of Ritchie's information so far in the Pokemon League.

"Ritchie won all four rounds without losing any Pokemon. This kid's amazing," Brock says.

"Wow. I only lost one Pokemon out of my four rounds, and that's because I underestimated how strong that Bellsprout is," Mew says.

"Ritchie must be pretty tough," Tomo says.

"And Ritchie only used Four Pokemon. Butterfree, Charmander, Eevee and Pikachu," Misty says.

"Happy? Zippo? Sparky? And Lilac? He only used them?" Mew replies, surprised.

"Who?" Misty says, confused.

"Ritchie named his Pokemon. The Butterfree is named Happy. The Charmander is Zippo, Sparky is the Pikachu, and Eevee's name is Lilac," Mew answers.

"Sounds cool that he named them," Tomo says.

"Yeah. Pikachu is an electric type. Charmander is a flame type. Eevee is a Normal Type. Lastly, Butterfree is a Bug and Flying type." Brock says.

Then turns to Mew, "They're almost the same kind of Pokemon you use, Mew."

"That means it all depends on which one's the better trainer," Misty says.

Then turns to Mew, "But you have a lot more Pokemon than Ritchie, and used various different ones in your rounds, and Ritchie seems to only use the same ones, so they must be strong.

"In other words, without a plan, I'll be in trouble," Mew says.

"So which Pokemon are you planning to use?" Tomo asks.

Mew places her hand on her chin and says, "Well with Butterfree being a Bug and Flying type. Flying, Fire, Electric, Fire, and Ice will have an effect. Pikachu is weak to ground types, and Charmander is weak to Water, Ground, and Rock."

"But you'll have to choose carefully. You can only have three Pokemon from this match," Brock says.

"I know," Mew says.

Throughout the night, Mew has been thinking very hard on which Pokemon should Mew battle against. Been thinking for the longest time, even if it is her friend, she knows that she needs to give it her all. And she knows Ritchie will do the same.

The next day, Mew is already at the Pokemon Center and makes some arrangements to have her Pokemon switched to the ones she'll be using for her match.

Suddenly, she hears Ritchie's voice, "Excuse me, Miss. I'd like to pick up the Pokemon I left yesterday, please."

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