Episode 38: The Battling Eevee Brothers

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Mew and her friends along with Pokemon continue on their Pokemon journey, when Pikachu and Eevee hear something.

Mew is the first to notice, "Huh? What's that matter, guys?"

"Eevee Eevee." (We hear something nearby.) Eevee says.

"Pika Pi!" (Follow us, Mew!) Pikachu says.

With that, Pikachu and Eevee take off running. Soon, the group comes across something odd.

Pikachu points forward, "Pikachu." (Over there.)

The group look to see an Eevee that is tied up in the trunk of a tree and has a food bowl and water bowl close by.

"It's an Eevee!" Mew says.

Misty kneels down to it, "Why is it tied up like that?"

Then picks the Eevee in her arms.

"It's been abandoned," Brock suspects.

"What?" Mew asks, shocked.

"No way!" Misty says, disbelief.

Mew asks Brock, "You mean that someone just left it here alone?"

Misty turns to Eevee and says, "That's cruel."

Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon. A Normal Type. It has the potential to evolve into any one of several different Pokemon."

Mew then notices something around the Eevee's neck.

"What's that?" Mew wonders.

Misty looks at the Eevee and notices a tag that is tied to a collar around its neck.

"A tag?" Mew replies.

Then reads it, "Hmm. Stone Town 3-14."

"Stone Town? That's the place at the foot of Evolution Mountain!" Brock says.

Then that is where we need to go," Mew says.

With that, Mew and her friends decide to return Eevee to its original trainer. Thanks to the tag, they have an idea where they need to go.

Mew looks at her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Eevee evolves into one of several Pokemon, depending on what stone is used on it. Using a Fire Stone will yield Flareon, the Flame Pokemon. A Water Stone yields Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokemon. A Thunder Stone yields Jolteon, the Lightning Pokemon. A high bond of friendship during the daytime and with an optional Sun Shard yields Espeon, the Sun Pokemon. A high bond of friendship during the nighttime and with an optional Moon Shard yields Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon. When an Eevee is near a Moss Rock or is exposed to a Leaf Stone, it evolves into Leafeon, the Verdant Pokemon. When an Eevee is near an Ice Rock or is exposed to an Ice Stone, it evolves into Glaceon, the Fresh Snow Pokemon. When an Eevee knows a Fairy type move and has a high level of affection or friendship, it evolves into Sylveon, the Intertwining Pokemon."

Misty happily says, "I'd love a Vaporeon."

"Big surprise, Misty. You love Water Pokemon and you already got a Vaporeon too," Mew says.

"That's true, but I wouldn't mind having another one," Misty says, holding the Eevee.

Then wonders, "Hey Mew, does your Eevee ever want to evolve."

"Eevee." (No way.) Mew's Eevee says.

Mew giggles and says, "Eevee says 'no way'."

"Really?" Misty asks, a little surprised.

"Eevee is very capable of evolution, but Eevee decided that she wants to be powerful without evolution. Same with Pikachu. He wants to become strong without evolving either," Mew says.

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