Episode 40: Showdown at Dark City

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Their next adventure takes place in front of a broken sign that says, Dark City. In fact, that is where Mew and her friends' destination is. They see the place looks deserted, almost like a ghost town. Yet, they decide to walk into the city to see if they can find somewhere to have lunch.

Brock says, "This place gives me the creeps. It's the middle of the day and there's nobody around. What's the deal?"

"Yeah," Mew says.

Suddenly, they see a little boy running out from one of the buildings.

But the mother rushes him inside saying in fright, "Get back inside this house right now! What if there are Pokemon trainers out?"

Hearing that makes the group of friends confused.

"Why would she be afraid of Pokemon trainers?" Misty wonders.

"Something's strange is going on here," Mew says.

"Very strange," Tomo replies.

Suddenly, rocks begin to fly out of nowhere. Pikachu and Eevee quickly dodge and climb on Mew's shoulders.

"Hey!" Mew angrily says.

The group looks up to see figures disappearing before they can get a look. Not pleased, Pikachu and Eevee climb up to the roof and give the attackers the Thundershock treatment. The beings fall to the ground to reveal three little boys who fall on some hay.

"They're, little kids!" Brock says, surprised.

Mew sternly asks, "Hey! What's the big idea throwing rocks at us?!"

"Chu! Vee!" (Yeah!) Pikachu and Eevee add, sternly.

The boy with blue hair asks, "You guys are Pokemon trainers, right?"

"Um yeah. My name is Mew, and I like to become a great Pokemon trainer" Mew says, confused.

"I'm Brock, and I wanna become the world's best Pokemon breeder," Brock says.

"And I'm gonna be a Water Pokemon Master! My name's Misty," Misty says.

However, the boys look at the group with anger and prepare to attack them with sticks. Suddenly, out of the Pokeball, Teddiursa begins to attack the three boys on their heads. The little Teddiursa continues to throw punches on their heads in anger. The three boys soon rub their heads in pain. Teddiursa stops with his arms crossed and turns away with a huff.

"Wow! That Teddiursa is tough," Brock says.

"Well with Mew being threatened, Teddiursa decides to come to her rescue and save us," Misty says.

Teddiursa happily jumps to Mew and the girl catches the baby bear Pokemon in her arms.

Mew giggles, "Thank you, Teddiursa, but you didn't have to beat them up."

"Teddi Teddiursa," (Just trying to protect you mama.) Teddiursa says.

"It's a nice thought, but we could handle it," Mew says.

The boy with the red hair says, "That really hurt. Also, we don't care who you are. If you have a Pokemon, you better get out of town."

The boys nod their heads.

"Why? What's wrong with Pokemon?" Mew asks, calmly.

"Boys," Someone calls out.

Just then, a man hurries over wearing an apron as he says, "I apologize. These children don't mean to cause you any trouble. Come to my restaurant and I'll explain everything."

"Well, okay," Mew replies.

Soon, they are in the restaurant where they are offered some lunch.

The owner says, "In Dark City there are two Pokemon gyms, the Yas gym and the Kaz gym. The two gyms are in the middle of a gang war and they'll hire any wandering Pokemon trainers as soldiers to battle for them."

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