Episode 67: A Frigid Vacation

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Still having their vacation at Seafoam Island, Mew and her friends decide to go on a small yacht to have some rest, relaxation, and some fun. On the deck of the boat, Mew along with Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, Meloetta, and Skwovet are playing in the pool. Misty and Brock are laying on a lounge chair as Togepi and little Pichu are sleeping.

Mew tosses a beach ball, "Here Tomo!"

Tomo then catches the ball and tosses it to Pikachu. On the inner tube, Pikachu tosses the ball with his tail, and passes it to Eevee. Eevee passes it to Meloetta, who also passes it to Skwovet. The group continues to play in the pool with excitement. Everyone continues to have fun on the yacht.

Later on, Mew and the others are having lunch on the deck. Even the Pokemon are having lunch. The Pokemon are happily eating as they enjoy the bright and sunny day.

"It sure was great to rent the yacht for our vacation," Misty says.

"Yeah. We get to swim, play a few games, and relax. Even the Pokemon enjoy it," Mew says.

Tomo then asks, "So guys, what do we do after this?"

"Well, we don't head back to Pallet Town until tomorrow, and there's still some parts of the island we haven't explored yet," Brock says.

"We can also go swimming in the ocean and see the Water Pokemon," Misty says.

"And we can go fishing some more too," Mew adds.

"Yeah," Tomo happily says.

Brock nods his head, "Okay. We can do some shopping for souvenirs and then we can go have fun in the water some more."

"Sounds good to me," Mew says.

Brock then begins to drive the yacht back to shore. Everyone is excited to have some more fun. Suddenly, they hear thundering sounds and wind blowing. The Pokemon senses something off with the weather, including Mew and Tomo. They turn to see the dark clouds with wind blowing and thunder and lightning flashing and clashing in the sky.

"Uh oh, it looks like a storm is coming," Mew says.

"Then we better get back to shore before the storm comes," Brock says.

Misty begins to shiver, "Brrrrr! The weather is getting very cold all of the sudden."

"You're right. This is unusual weather for Seafoam Island," Brock says.

The storm comes in fast before Mew and her friends can get to shore. Soon enough, the group ends up getting caught in the storm. The yacht continues to be rocked by the harsh waves, and soon feel strong chills, and what seems like light white drops are falling from the sky.

Mew feels it on her hand and looks at it, "Is this... snow?!"

"Seems like it. It looks like a snow storm," Brock panics.

"And it's a hard one," Mew panics.

Misty says, "We need to get below deck or we're going to fall overboard."

With that, Mew and the others hurry below deck as the storm continues to blow them away to a different part of the island. Brock quickly tries to steer the wheel the best he can, but the storm is not making it easy for them.

Below deck, Misty is holding Pichu and Togepi as they are very frightened. Tomo and the other Pokemon are close to Mew and shaking in fear.

Mew calls out, "Brock, are you okay?!"

"No! The storm is making it hard for me to steer!" Brock calls out.

Then hurries inside and says, "Everyone hand out, we're about to run aground!"

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