Episode 15: Underwater Escape from the St. Anne

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Situation has gone worse on the St. Ann. Just as a Pokemon pirating plan is prevented by Mew and her friends, a terrible storm hits, and the St. Anne is soon caught in it. The ship soon sank to the sea with Mew and her friends trapped inside. The St. Anne has landed on a large rocky pillar and it's upside down. Still unconscious inside the ship, Mew and her friends are laying on the ground.

Soon, Mew begins to groan and grunt to feel the pain on her head. Soon, she slowly opens her eyes.

Mew lifts herself up, feeling dizzy, "Wha-what happened?"

Soon, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Eevee, and Gary are still unconscious on the floor.

"Ouch! I think I hit my head," Misty says.

"What happened?" Brock asks.

"I remember we were trying to get off the ship and..." Mew says.

But gasps in shock. She turns to the window to see water and different water Pokemon swimming in the water. Mew rushes to the window, the others hurry to the window as well.

"Water and Water Pokemon!" Misty says, shocked.

"Then that means," Brock says.

Mew concludes in shock "That the St. Anne has sunk!"

"With us trapped in it!" Gary concludes.

Soon, Mew and her friends decide to go explore to see if they can find the way out. From the position the lights, doors, and even the furniture attached, they can tell that the ship is upside down. They soon find a staircase and the bottom part is filled up with us.

"What are we supposed to do? The ship's leaking everywhere!" Mew asks, worried.

"We've got to keep calm! As long as there's air in here, it'll take time to fill up with water," Misty says.

"Sure, but we better not waste any time escaping," Brock says.

"Well, we can either go up or down from this point," Gary says.

"The deck is below us, and the ship's bottom is up above our heads," Misty says.

"Hmm, we could either climb up to the bottom of the ship or swim down to the deck. However, for all we know, the underwater entry could be blocked," Mew says.

"You're right. If we ended up coming across a dead end while underwater, we'll be done for," Brock says.

Misty then has an idea, "I know, we'll get our Water Pokemon, and they can check to see if they can find a way out."

"Good idea," Mew says.

Misy calls out Gloldeen, Vaporeon and Magikarp. Mew then calls out Squirtle and Poliwhirl. Gary does the same for Wartortle.

"Goldeen, Vaporeon, Magikap, Squirtle, Poliwhirl, and Wartortle dive down to the deck. If you find a way off the ship, bring something back from outside," Misty informs.

The Pokemon nod their heads and dive down into the water.

The Pokemon search around down the hall to find a way out of the ship. Sadly however, Goldeen and Magikarp have come across a dead end. Vaporeon and Poliwhirl try a different way, but the way out is blocked as well. Squirlte and Wartortle also try another way, but it's also blocked. The Pokemon continue to try to find any more clues to find an opening. Suddenly, the group noticed four Pokeballs, and four Eggubator, each has a Pokemon Egg inside. A few bags and suitcases. They decide to take the stuff with them.

Back at the staircase, the group wait anxiously for the Pokemon to return.

"I'm worried, I hope they're alright," Mew says.

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