Episode 37: Snow Way Out

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Mew and her friends continue on their journey, as they walk down the path on a bright and sunny day. Soon, they stop to see a fork in the road.

Pikachu turns to the others, "Pikachu? (So, which way?)

"Pikachu asked which way we go," Brock says.

"Hmm. Let's see," Brock says, looking at the map.

Then says, "According to the map, the trail on the right heads straight up a mountain," Brock says.

"I don't wanna go mountain climbing," misty complains.

"Mountain climbing doesn't sound so bad. What about the other path?" Mew asks.

"The other path takes us around the mountain, but goes through a very large forest. Apparently, going up the mountain is the faster way," Brock says.

"Well, the sooner we get to the next town the better, so let's try right," Mew says.

The group then decide to go on the right fork and soon find themselves climbing up the mountain. To their surprise, the mountain is covered in snow.

"Wow! We need a ski lift to get up this thing, guys," Misty says.

"I think we better just turn around and go the other way," Brock says.

"Maybe, but we should continue going this way, you did say it's the faster way," Mew says.

"Tomo agrees," Tomo replies.

"We should put on our snow gears first," Brock says.

"Good idea," Misty replies.

The group put on their snow gears and continue to walk up the mountain. However, the snow is still very cold.

"I'm freezing! How much further is it till we get over this thing?" Misty complains.


"According to this map, we should be close to the top," Brock says, then checks the compass.

But when he looks at it, the needle spins around and around.

"Whoa. That's weird," Brock comments.

"What's weird?" Mew asks

"The compass went crazy! This mountain must have so much iron, that it's throwing the needle off!" Brock says.

The group gasps in concern.

"If the compass doesn't work, how are we gonna find our way?" Misty panics.

But Brock says, "Now, don't panic. If the sun's up there about three o'clock, according to my calculations, that means.."

"What? What does it mean?" The group asks.

Then Brock answers, "We're lost."

But Mew has an idea, "I know what we can do."

Then Mew tosses her Pokeball, "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

Then Pidgeotto comes out of his Pokeball.

"Pigeotto, can you fly up and find a trail that will lead us down the mountain?" Mew asks.

Pidgeotto nods his head and takes flight. It flies high up and soon finds greenery. Then Pidgeotto returns.

"Did you find a way down?" Mew asks.

Pidgeotto answers, (We need to go that way.)

"Good work, Pidgeotto!" Mew says.

Then turns to the others, "Come on, let's get going."

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