Episode 34: Ditto's Mysterious Mansion

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On a bright and sunny day, Mew and her friends are traveling down the road to their next part of their Journey. Suddenly, dark clouds begin to travel across the sky where they're at, and a drop of rain hits Pikachu on his head.

Pikachu looks up, "Pika?" (What's that?)

"Eevee..." (Uh oh.) Eevee says, looking up.

Soon, Mew and the others notice the rain as well

"A storm?" Mew says, confused.

Soon, the rain comes down harder and the group begins to run away to find shelter.

"Let's get out of this!"

"Where can we go?! We're in the middle of nowhere!" Misty says.

The group looks ahead to notice a white building with a red roof.

"What's that?" Brock wonders.

"I don't like the looks of it," misty says.

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Mew says.

The group agrees to the idea and hurry toward the building. They barge through the doors and run inside. Pikachu and Eevee shake the water off their body.

"Is everyone okay?" Mew asks.

"Tomo okay," Tomo answers.

Mew looks around and calls out, "Hello? Sorry for barging in!"

"Is anybody here?" Misty adds.

The group looks around to see a theater close by and walk over for a look.

"It looks like some kind of theater," Brock says.

"Yeah," Misty says.

"Hey, since nobody's around, we might as well stay here until the rain stops," Mew says.

Everyone nods their heads in reply.

Suddenly Pikachu notices something, "Pikachu!" (Look you guys!)

The group turn their heads to see another Pikachu and another Eevee.

"Where'd that other Pikachu and Eevee come from?" Mew says, confused.

The two Pikachu and Eevee copy everything Mew's Pikachu and Eevee do.

"How cute!" Misty says, and walks over to them.

Misty goes over and picks up the other Eevee and Pikachu.

"Hi there!" Misty says.

Misty's happiness soon changes to surprise and shock to see that Pikachu's face is different from Mew's.

Misty panics and drops the Pikachu to the floor, "What is this?! What's wrong with it?!"

"What's wrong Misty?" Mew asks.

"That Pikachu doesn't look right!" Misty answers.

The others look to see what Misty is talking about.

"Could be a new type of Pikachu," Brock wonders.

"Never heard of a Pikachu with that kind of face," Mew says.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Someone asks.

The group turns their heads and becomes shocked to see a trainer that looks exactly like Mew

"Hey, Mew, that girl's dressed just like you!" Misty says, surprised.

Mew steps forward and asks, "Who are you?"

"Tell me who you are," The mysterious person says.

"I'm Mew from Pallet Town!" Mew says.

"Duplica," The person says in Mew's voice.

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