Episode 21: The Psychic Showdown: Haunter Vs. Kadabra

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In a dark room, it shows a little girl wearing a white dress, red shoes, and a white hat with pink ribbon on it. She has dark green hair and her eyes are covered. She is sitting on a silhouette that looks like a woman and is sitting on the chair. And glowing red eyes begin to appear. It then changes to blueish purple like eyes.

Monotone voice of a woman says, "So, now. Time for us to play."

Her eyes soon show Mew and her friends. She along with her friends continue their journey. They pass through a dark and mysterious first, and it's like danger can lurk at any corner. Sadly, they end up losing their way... again.

"I can't believe we got lost again," Mew says.

"And in the middle of the woods. This place is scary," Misty worriedly says.

"Yeah. This place is giving me the creeps. How are we supposed to find Saffron City in this?" Brock replies.

Suddenly, they begin to hear giggling. They turn their heads to see a little girl wearing a white and pink dress and hat, red boots and long dark green hair. She laughs as she bounces a ball in her hand on the ground.

Seeing someone, Mew asks, "Uh, hello! Do you live around here?"

The little girl takes her ball in her hands as she giggles and runs into the woods.

"Hey! Please, don't run away!" Mew calls out, and chases after the girl.

The little girl continues to run through the woods as Mew and the others follow.

"Wait! We need directions!" Mew calls out.

Suddenly, Mew feels something off and sees the girl come to a stop. Mew and the other stop at the edge of the cliff, and luckily they haven't fallen over. Soon, the little girl disappears.

"Hey! What about that weird little girl? Where'd she run off to?" Misty wonders.

Mew looks around and says, "You're right. She's gone."

Then notices, "But take a look over there."

Mew points ahead to see a city that has bright lights on.

"Oh, wow! It's beautiful!" Misty comments.

"Saffron City," Brock says.

"Sabrina's the leader of the Saffron City gym who specializes in Psychic Type Pokemon. You defeat her, you win a Marsh badge," Brock says.

"I can't wait for my gym battle. Let's get to the Pokemon Center before it gets too dark," Mew says.

A short time later, Mew and her friends arrive in the city and are walking to the Pokemon Center.

"Now this is what I call a city!" Mew says.

"Yeah," Brock replies.

Misty then asks, "Hey Mew, are you sure you want to battle with the Saffron City Gym Leader?"

"I'm sure. Since Sabrina uses a Psychic Type, I got Haunter. I could also use Weedle and Cutiefly. Eevee can also use Shadow Ball which is a Ghost Type move," Mew says.

"Sounds like you got a good plan," Misty says.

Then asks, "But are you really sure? We could go to Celadon City instead."

"Why do you keep asking about battling Sabrina?" Mew asks.

"Now that Misty mentions it, I'm also a bit skeptical about you coming to this gym," Brock says.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mew asks.

"I keep hearing rumors about the Gym Leader being very brutal when it comes to her battles, and she is very tough to beat. In fact, many trainers stay away from this gym. Those who were able to defeat her have a Ghost Type Pokemon," Misty says.

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