Episode 74: All Fired Up!

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Mew and her friends continue to walk on the path road and finally reach the Indigo Plateau, home of the Pokemon League. Everyone is very excited, but none of them is more excited than Mew is.

"So Mew, are you excited to compete in the Pokemon League?" Misty asks.

"I am excited, but to be honest, I'm a little nervous too," Mew says.

"Nervous?" Tomo asks.

"Yeah. I am excited that I'm going to be at the Pokemon League and compete with my Pokemon, but I'm also nervous about the competition I'm going to have to face," Mew says.

"You're right about that. There's going to be a lot of trainers who have strong Pokemon and have already got eight badges from all over the Kanto Region," Brock says.

"Let's not forget Gary. He already got his eight badges and I wouldn't be surprised if he's already there," Misty says.

"Yeah. I also need to think about what Pokemon I want to use, and know the rules of the League," Mew says.

"I'm sure you'll find out what you need to do as soon as we get there," Brock says.

"So until then, let's go to the Pokemon League," Misty says.

"You're right. I need to get registered before anything else," Mew says.

Soon enough, Mew and her friends reach the town outside of the stadium, where the competition is going to take place. When they arrive, they see tons of people, each on a different side of the street.

"What's this?" Misty asks.

"I'm not sure. Maybe some event or parade is coming up before the League," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear the crowd cheering and run right past Mew and her friends. They all turn to see a male jogger carrying a torch to the stadium with a Hitmonchan by his side. Office Jenny is riding on a motorbike with another vehicle behind.

"What is it?" Tomo asks.

"It's the torch," Brock says.

"The torch?" Mew asks.

"They use it to light the flame that burns during the whole Pokémon League competition," Misty answers.

Then Brock explains, "The flame's supposed to inspire all the trainers and Pokémon who compete in the Pokémon League. Being one of the torch bearers is a huge honor."

"There's a legend that says the flame comes from way back in ancient times from the flames of Moltres," Misty says.

"Moltres...?" Mew softly says to herself.

Then says, "Oh, I remember reading about it. Moltes is a legendary Pokemon."

She takes out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Moltres, The Flame Pokemon. A Fire and Flying type. A legendary bird Pokémon known as the 'firebird.' Every time it flaps, its wings flare and burn brightly. Its virtues symbolize the Pokémon League competitions."

Mew then looks at the torch and imagines about the legendary bird Pokemon that it has come from.

"If that flame really is lit from the flames of Moltres, then it's more than just a legend. Moltres has to be real," Mew says.

"And you want to catch one..." Misty suspects.

"Maybe, but Legendary Pokemon like Moltress deserve to be free. I always believe that many Legendary and Mythical Pokemon deserve to roam free in the wild. Although, I think Shaymin is an exception," Mew says.

"You're right, Shaymin really likes you and wants to stay," Misty says.

"You can say that again," Brock says.

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