Episode 84: Indigo Plateau Finals Part 2: Mega Evolution Debut Battle

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Last time, the finals of the Pokemon League started. It's Mew vs. Gary in the final round to see which one will become champion. The two have battled hard with their Pokemon, and now, they're both down to their very last Pokemon. Gary is using a Pokemon called Salamence, while Mew is using Charizard. It all comes down to their final Pokemon, and their training will be put to the ultimate test. Both trainers and their Pokemon stand and look at their opponent with determination and they plan to give it their all.

The referee calls out, "Begin!"

"Alright, let's go Charizard!" Mew calls out.

Charizard lets out a mighty roar and begins to spread his wings and fly to battle.

Gary calls out, "Alright Salamence, let's do this!"

Salamence lets out a roar as well and flies towards Charizard as well.

Mew calls out, "Charizard, use Flamethrower!"

Charizard then performs Flamethrower at Salamence.

Gary calls out, "Salamence, dodge!"

Salamence flies up and dodges the attack.

Gary calls out, "Use Dragon Breath!"

Salamence then performs Dragon Breath. Charizard is able to dodge, but it hits his tail a bit.

"Now, use Air Slash!" Gary calls out.

Salamence then uses Air Slash.

Mew calls out, "Charizard, use Air Slash as well!"

Charizard then performs Air Slash.

Soon, both attacks counter each other's attacks.

Gary calls out, "Use Dragon Claw!"

Salamence then uses Dragon Claw. Chariard then tries to dodge the attack, but Salamence is able to strike Charizard on the stomach. Charizard almost falls, but quickly recovers and continues to be airborne.

Then Mew calls out, "Use Dragon Breath!"

Charizard then uses Dragon Breath and is able to strike at Salamence with full force. Salamence is pushed back, but able to remain in the air.

It shows that Mew and Gary are giving everything they got in this final battle.

The announcer says, "Wow! This is a breathtaking battle, and it's now down to the wire! Who will win, Charizard or Salamence!"

At the stand, Misty and the others are surprised.

"I never knew Gary has that kind of Pokemon," Misty says.

"Yeah. And it's very powerful," Brock says.

Tomo soon notices something, "Hey guys, what's that around Salamence's neck?"

Misty, Brock, and the others look to notice a blue scarf around Salamence's neck. Attached to the scarf is a large white orb with red and blue in the middle, similar to the one Charizard is wearing.

Misty asks in shock "Is that a Mega Stone?"

"It is. Which means Salamence is able to Mega Evolve," Brock says.

"Indeed, and which also means Gary has a Key Stone as well," Professor Oak says.

"Do you think Mew and Charizard will be able to beat Gary and Salamence?" Misty asks.

"We'll just have to wait and see what happens," Brock says.

"I agree. Either one of them will have a chance to win this," Professor Oak says.

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