Episode 73: The Scaly Road to Victory

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Continuing on their journey, Mew and her friends are still on the path of the Pokemon League Competition at the Indigo Plateau. Mew is still excited and nervous about competing in the league and having to face so many different trainers. Luckily, her friends' support has made her feel better.

Just then, Mew and her friends are now standing in front of the entrance to a large tunnel.

Misty reads the sign and says, "Victory Road. This must be the right place"

"According to the Pokenav, we're actually almost there. We just need to get through this tunnel," Mew says, looking at the Pokenav.

"Cool, we get to go through a cool tunnel," Tomo happily says.

"We're almost to the Indigo Plateau and to the Pokemon League," Brock says.

"We will have to be careful. There could be a lot of tunnels for us to go through," Mew says.

"Well then, let's go," Misty says.

With that, Mew and her friends walk into the tunnel of Victory Road and continue their journey to the Pokemon League. The group begin to follow the path in the tunnel and look around to see the many different Pokemon living there. Pokemon like Zubats, Golbats, Paras, Sandshrew, or other Pokemon that like to live in caves. Over time, Mew and the others notice something off because they end up finding themselves in front of a dead end.

"Huh? This isn't the way out," Misty says.

"Maybe we took a wrong turn. Let's head back and try another," Mew says.

And that's what they did. They go back and try a different direction, but they find themselves at a few different dead ends, a large river, a cliff, and other places. Soon, Mew and her friends find themselves completely lost.

Misty groans and says, "Oh no! Don't tell me we're lost again!"

"It seems so. And it appears my Pokenav is not picking up a signal in the cave," Mew says, having her Pokenav out.

Brock looks at the map and says, "It's a bit hard to read the map in this lighting."

"So what do we do?" Tomo asks.

"The only thing we can do. We'll have to go back to the entrance and see if we can get better readings in our direction," Mew says.

"Yeah. I don't want to be lost in this cave," Misty says.

With that, Mew and her friends begin to go back the way they came so they can get a better idea on finding their way to the other side. They've been walking for quite a while until they stop to feel the ground shaking.

"What's that?" Mew wonders.

"What's what?" Misty asks.

"I think Mew's right. I felt like the ground shook for a minute," Brock says.

Suddenly, the ground where they're standing gives weight and collapses. Soon, everyone begins falling down the tunnel as they scream in fear as they fall through the hole.

Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Hey, are you okay?"

Soon, Mew groans and begins to open her eyes as the voice asks again, "Are you all alright? That was a nasty fall you guys had."

Mew looks up to see a tall, thin man with bright scarlet red spiked hair, pale skin, and dark eyes. He wears a medieval-looking navy blue tunic with red-orange trim, a brown belt around his waist, and large black boots with orange two rings around the top of each boot. The cuffs of his long sleeves are black with orange zigzagging trim separating the cuff from the navy blue part of the sleeve. He sports a long, flowing cape around his neck which is black on the outside and crimson red on the inside.

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